Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nurse Exposes Toxic Flu Vaccine, Manufacturer Did NOT Research Side Effects

(The Intel Hub) Last year thousands of people stood up against Big Pharma and refused to get the toxic swine flu vaccine. Activists around the world stood up in mass to expose this open eugenics operation.

Since then multiple nations, in one way or another, have declared the swine flu vaccine toxic. In August, a minister in Finland demanded an investigation into the link between H1N1 and Narcolepsy.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Al Qaeda Leader Dined at the Pentagon Just Months After 9/11

(FoxNews) Anwar Al-Awlaki may be the first American on the CIA's kill or capture list, but he was also a lunch guest of military brass at the Pentagon within months of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, Fox News has learned.

Documents exclusively obtained by Fox News, including an FBI interview conducted after the Fort Hood shooting in November 2009, state that Awlaki was taken to the Pentagon as part of the military’s outreach to the Muslim community in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.

Click here to read a portion of the documents.

The incident was flagged by a current Defense Department employee who came forward and told investigators she helped arrange the meeting after she saw Awlaki speak in Alexandria, Va.

The employee "attended this talk and while she arrived late she recalls being impressed by this imam. He condemned Al Qaeda and the terrorist attacks. During his talk he was 'harassed' by members of the audience and suffered it well," reads one document.

According to the documents, obtained as part of an ongoing investigation by the specials unit "Fox News Reporting," there was a push within the Defense Department to reach out to the Muslim community.

"At that period in time, the secretary of the Army (redacted) was eager to have a presentation from a moderate Muslim."

In addition, Awlaki "was considered to be an 'up and coming' member of the Islamic community. After her vetting, Aulaqi (Awlaki) was invited to and attended a luncheon at the Pentagon in the secretary of the Army's Office of Government Counsel."

Awlaki, a Yemeni-American who was born in Las Cruces, N.M., was interviewed at least four times by the FBI in the first week after the attacks because of his ties to the three hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Hani Hanjour. The three hijackers were all onboard Flight 77 that slammed into the Pentagon.

Awlaki is now believed to be hiding in Yemen after he was linked to the alleged Ft. Hood shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who e-mailed Awlaki prior to the attack.

Sources told Fox News that Awlaki, who is a former Muslim chaplain at George Washington University, met with the Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in Yemen and was the middle-man between the young Nigerian and the bombmaker. Awlaki was also said to inspire would-be Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad.

Apparently, none of the FBI's information about Awlaki was shared with the Pentagon. Former Army Secretary Tommy White, who led the Army in 2001, said he doesn't have any recollection of the luncheon or any contact with Awlaki.

"If this was a luncheon at the Office of Government Counsel, I would not necessarily be there," he said.

The Pentagon has offered no explanation of how a man, now on the CIA kills or capture list, ended up at a special lunch for Muslim outreach.

After repeated requests for comment on the vetting process beginning on October 13th, an Army spokesman insisted Wednesday that the lunch was not an Army event. "The Army has found no evidence that the Army either sponsored or participated in the event described in this report," spokesman Thomas Collins said.

Collins also noted that the FBI document referred to the “Office of Government Counsel” but should read “Office of General Counsel.”

Collins said he believed the event was sponsored by the office of the Secretary of Defense. A spokeswoman there said she would look into it and get back to Fox News.

A former high-ranking FBI agent told Fox News that at the time Awlaki went to lunch at the Pentagon, there was tremendous "arrogance" about the vetting process at the Pentagon.

"They vetted people politically and showed indifference toward security and intelligence advice of others," the former agent said.


ADA Study Confirms Dangers Of Fluoridated Water, Especially For Babies

(NaturalNews) Advocates of fluoridated water insist that the chemical additive is good for teeth, but actual science routinely shows otherwise, including a new study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association confirming fluoride as a toxic substance that actually destroys teeth, particularly those of developing young children and babies.

When people are exposed to excessive levels of fluoride through sources like drinking water, foods and beverages and even swallowed toothpaste, it often results in a condition known as dental fluorosis. The internal uptake of fluoride into teeth over time causes their enamel to become mottled and discolored, the end result being damaged teeth that have essentially rotted from the inside out.

Dr. Steven Levy, D.D.S., and his team found during their study that "fluoride intakes during each of the first four years (of a child's life) were individually significantly related to fluorosis on maxillary central incisors, with the first year more important." They went on to warn that "infant formulas reconstituted with higher fluoride water can provide 100 to 200 times more fluoride than breast milk, or cow's milk."

In other words, young children have the highest risk of severe tooth damage from fluoride, especially those that are six months of age or younger, a time during which children's blood-brain barriers have not fully formed. Even low ingestion levels cause the direct depositing of fluoride into the teeth, brain and other bodily tissues and organs which, besides causing fluorosis, also causes disorders of the brain and nervous system, kidneys and bones.

And the American Dental Association (ADA) has known that fluoride exposure causes dental fluorosis since at least 2006, but the group has done nothing to warn the 200 million Americans that live in communities with fluoridated water to avoid its use in babies and infants. Many dentists still recommend that children and adults not only drink fluoridated water, but even advise parents to add fluoride drops to their children's drinking water if the family lives in unfluoridated areas or drinks private well water.

Fluoride causes serious health problems

In 2006, a study published in The Lancet identified fluoride as "an emerging neurotoxic substance" that causes severe brain damage. The National Research Council (NRC) wrote that "it is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain and the body by direct and indirect means."

About a month later, another study published in Environmental Health Perspectives found a definitive link between fluoride intake and reduce IQ levels, indicating once again that fluoride intake causes cognitive damage.

At Harvard University, researchers identified a link between fluoride and bone cancer. Published 14 years after it began, the study found that the highest rates of osteosarcoma, a fatal form of bone cancer, were occurring most in populations drinking fluoridated water. The findings confirmed those of a prior government study back in 1990 that involved fluoride-treated rats.

Kidney disease is another hallmark of fluoride poisoning. Multiple animal studies have found that fluoride levels as low as 1 part per million (ppm) -- which is the amount added to most fluoridated water systems -- cause kidney damage. And a Chinese study found that children exposed to slightly higher fluoride levels had biological markers in their blood indicative of kidney damage.

The NRC has also found that fluoride impairs proper thyroid function and debilitates the endocrine system. Up until the 1970s, fluoride was used in Europe as a thyroid-suppressing medication because it lowers thyroid function. Many experts believe that widespread hypothyroidism today is a result of overexposure to fluoride.

Since fluoride is present in most municipal water supplies in North America, it is absurd to even suggest that parents avoid giving it to their young children. How are parents supposed to avoid it unless they install a whole-house reverse osmosis water filtration system? And even if families install such a system, fluoride is found in all sorts of food and beverages, not to mention that it is absorbed through the skin every time people wash their hands with or take a shower in fluoridated water. Perhaps these are some of the reasons why the ADA has said nothing about the issue despite the findings.

There simply is no legitimate reason to fluoridate water. Doing so forcibly medicates an entire population with a carcinogenic, chemical drug. There really is no effective way to avoid it entirely, and nobody really knows how much is ingested or absorbed on a daily basis because exposure is too widespread to calculate. But political pressure and bad science have continued to justify water fluoridation in most major cities, despite growing mountains of evidence showing its dangers.

Ending water fluoridation is a difficult task, but concerted efforts by citizens, local authorities, and even dentists, have resulted in some significant victories. To learn more about fluoride, check out the Fluoride Action Network (FAN):


Ghostly photograph taken at execution site


Click to Enlarge 
(Telegraph) A mysterious ghostly image has been taken at the execution site where hundreds of criminals were tried and put to death.

The Galleries of Justice in Nottingham claims to be one of the most haunted locations in Great Britain.

Scores of highwayman, murderers and thieves were subjected to public hangings from within its walls.

Many modern visitors to the site in Nottingham, now a museum, claim to have witnessed spooky goings-on from flying orbs to strange smells and rattling keys.

Now, a couple has stepped forward claiming to have photographic evidence of a supernatural being haunting the former dungeon.

Christine Spice visited the old prison and courtrooms with her partner Denyer earlier this month and took snaps of what she describes as "an eerie mass of white, like an evil male figure."

The figure is pictured behind a second apparition, which appears to be a small child in some form of period dress, captured on Christine's mobile phone camera.

Ms Spice, from Herfordshire, said: "Denyer and I went on one of the museum's guided tours.

"We are both very spiritual people, and could sense quite a lot of spiritual presence around the building.

"We went to visit the pits and immediately I became very agitated and sensed something really bad and evil.

"I told Denyer I thought we should leave as it was affecting me. I could sense the danger and my breathing and heartbeat became faster - I felt very scared.

"We could smell a musty, rotting smell and was very uncomfortable. I then became so freaked out that I ran out.

"The feeling of evil was so overwhelming. Once outside we looked at the photo and could see a white glow like a huge threatening aura."

There has been a court at the Galleries of Justice since at least 1375 and a prison since 1449.

It is the only place in Britain where criminals could be tried, convicted, and sentenced. Some executions were even done at the entrance of the building.

The Galleries contains the original cells, dungeons, two courtrooms, and several medieval caves, where the photo was taken.

Christine said that after she calmed down, they continued looking around and spent some time looking at all the ID photos taken of prisoners displayed on the walls.

She said: "It was in this room that someone pulled my hair. I turned around expecting to see my brother but there was no one there," she said.

"We could sense spirits all over the building and I would definitely describe the place as being very haunted."

Tim Desmond, chief executive at the museum, said: "The staff at the museum are quite used to experiencing the supernatural on the site, not surprising as it was a place of punishment since the Middle Ages.

"What is interesting is now that people have camera phones we are receiving actual images of what they pick up. Even if you are a sceptic it is very difficult to refute the unusual sights."


CERN scientists eye parallel universe breakthrough

(Reuters) Physicists probing the origins of the cosmos hope that next year they will turn up the first proofs of the existence of concepts long dear to science-fiction writers such as hidden worlds and extra dimensions.

And as their Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva moves into high gear, they are talking increasingly of the "New Physics" on the horizon that could totally change current views of the universe and how it works.

"Parallel universes, unknown forms of matter, extra dimensions... These are not the stuff of cheap science fiction but very concrete physics theories that scientists are trying to confirm with the LHC and other experiments."

This was how the "ideas" men and women in the international research center's Theory Group, which mulls over what could be out there beyond the reach of any telescope, put it in CERN's staff-targeted Bulletin this month.

As particles are collided in the vast underground LHC complex at increasingly high energies, what the Bulletin article referred to informally as the "universe's extra bits" -- if they do exist as predicted -- should be brought into computerized, if ephemeral, view, the theorists say.

Optimism among the hundreds of scientists working at CERN -- in the foothills of the Jura mountains along the border of France and Switzerland -- has grown as the initially troubled $10 billion experiment hit its targets this year.


By mid-October, Director-General Rolf Heuer told staff last weekend, protons were being collided along the 27-km (16.8 mile) subterranean ring at the rate of 5 million a second -- two weeks earlier than the target date for that total.

By next year, collisions will be occurring -- if all continues to go well -- at a rate producing what physicists call one "inverse femtobarn," best described as a colossal amount, of information for analysts to ponder.

The head-on collisions, at all but the speed of light, recreate what happened a tiny fraction of a second after the primeval "Big Bang" 13.7 billion years ago which brought the known universe and everything in it into being.

Despite centuries of increasingly sophisticated observation from planet Earth, only 4 per cent of that universe is known -- because the rest is made up of what have been called, because they are invisible, dark matter and dark energy

Billions of particles flying off from each LHC collision are tracked at four CERN detectors -- and then in collaborating laboratories around the globe -- to establish when and how they come together and what shapes they take.

The CERN theoreticians say this could give clear signs of dimensions beyond length, breadth, depth and time because at such high energy particles could be tracked disappearing -- presumably into them -- and then back into the classical four.

Parallel universes could also be hidden within these dimensions, the thinking goes, but only in a so-called gravitational variety in which light cannot be propagated -- a fact which would make it nearly impossible to explore them.


Humans able to back up their brain and its memories within two decades, claims top scientist

(DailyMail) People will be able back up the human brain including all of the memories it contains within the next two decades, according to a leading scientist.

Award-winning Raymond Kurzweil, 62, has notched up a string of pioneering computer inventions including voice recognition technology during his career.

Kurzweil told 500 guests at a sponsored 'future talk' event in Vienna, Austria, that the human brain backup was now already technically possible.

He said: 'I believe that within the next 20 years we will have thousands of nanobot computer machines in our blood that will heal our bodies, improve our performance, and even be able to back up all the contents of our brains, just as you backup your files on a computer.

'That means they would back up every thought, every experience, everything that makes us an individual.'

'It may sound far-fetched but in the early 1980s, people thought I was crazy for predicting the emergence of the world wide web by the middle of the 1990s; but it happened, and on the schedule I predicted.'

At the age of 15 he created a programme that could recreate music in the style of the great composers, which earned him a visit to the White House and an interview with President Lyndon B. Johnson.

He also built the first machine that could read written speech for the blind for his friend Stevie Wonder - for whom he also later made a revolutionary musical synthesizer capable of recreating real instruments.

Kurzweil has 19 honorary doctorates and now advises governments, scientists, military and business people across the world on a variety of technology-related issues.

He is currently working with Google on a project about how to solve the world's energy problems.

Vitamins 'linked' to illness, but never drugs

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media has an interesting way of skewing facts and manipulating language to make one thing sound like another. In a recent BBC News article, the author emphasizes a "link" between vitamin B12 and Alzheimer's -- which seemingly suggests that the vitamin somehow contributes to causing the disease -- when in fact, the study being referenced shows a link between vitamin B12 and the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's.

The Finnish study, published in the journalNeurology, found that vitamin B12 reduceshomocysteine levels in the blood. Homocysteine is linked to causing both strokes and dementia, so lowering it helps to prevent such illnesses from occurring. But the BBC News article's subheading reads: "Evidence is mounting that levels of vitamin B12 may be connected to the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease."

This interesting choice of words suggests, at first glance, that taking vitamin B12 may cause dementia, rather than prevent or treat it, as is actually the case. The poor word choice is not only confusing, but blatantly deceptive to readers. Even the title of the article is tricky, which reads: "Vitamin B12 link to Alzheimer's backed by study."

Readers who make it beyond the title and subheading are then bombarded with statements about how trial results are inconclusive and that more trials must take place. Whenever a trial shows that a vitamin is good for something, it is always "too early" to make a judgment call. Experts even warn consumers not to purchase such supplements because nothing is for sure, and more "research" is necessary.

Drug trials, on the other hand, are always more than enough to prove a drug's effectiveness and safety. Even if thousands of people are injured or killed by a drug -- as is the case with Avandia -- the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will often keep that drug on the market for those who allegedly "really need it", even if the drug does not even work at all (

The truth about vitamin B12 is that it helps to prevent brain degradation that leads to dementia and other mental illnesses. So do not let the mainstream media fool you with rhetorical nonsense.

More drug companies exposed for paying off doctors to illegally prescribe drugs

(NaturalNews) A new report conducted by ProPublica, Consumer Reports, and National Public Radio (NPR) digs even deeper down the rabbit hole of drug company fraud, exposing rampant off-label prescribing, drug company-funded speaking engagements, and illegal monetary and gift compensation programs -- all designed to push as many drugs on the public as possible.

According to the report, the drug industry has spent roughly $7 billion in the past three years to pay out settlements for such practices, many of which were brought forth by former drugcompany sales representatives that witnessed the activity. According to these whistle-blowers,drug companies routinely break the law to increase drug sales, even after they have signed compliance agreements promising to follow the law.

After the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a drug for a specific use, drug companies often lavish doctors with gifts, fancy dinners, extravagant vacations, and cash to prescribe the drugs for other, non-approved uses. Big Pharma even uses doctors to tell other doctors to do the same thing, often hiring them to speak at seminars.

Angela Maher, a former sales representative for Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, alleged in a lawsuit that the drug giant pushed an anti-seizure drug for 27 different off-label uses. She observed drug company executives paying off physicians to speak glowingly about the drug at conferences. And if the doctors failed to speak often enough about the drug during their speeches, they were nixed from future participation. Ortho-McNeil recently pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges and settled for $81 million.

Forest Laboratories recently pleaded guilty to felony and misdemeanor charges as well for paying physicians to allow company sales representatives to observe their practices and push them to prescribe Celexa and Lexapro, two antidepressant drugs. Company representatives also continued to pay doctors for prescribing the drugs, as long as increases in sales were enough to make it worthwhile.

Other companies implicated in similar activity include Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, which is now owned by Pfizer, Allergan, maker of Botox, Cephalon, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, and Merck.

Mayan 2012 Doom Date Off By 50-100 Years!

(YahooNews) It's a good news/bad news situation for believers in the 2012 Mayan apocalypse. The good news is that the Mayan "Long Count" calendar may not end on Dec. 21, 2012 (and, by extension, the world may not end along with it). The bad news for prophecy believers? If the calendar doesn't end in December 2012, no one knows when it actually will - or if it has already.

A new critique, published as a chapter in the new textbook "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World" (Oxbow Books, 2010), argues that the accepted conversions of dates from Mayan to the modern calendar may be off by as much as 50 or 100 years. That would throw the supposed and overhyped 2012 apocalypse off by decades and cast into doubt the dates of historical Mayan events. (The doomsday worries are based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, much as our year ends on Dec. 31.)

The Mayan calendar was converted to today's Gregorian calendar using a calculation called the GMT constant, named for the last initials of three early Mayanist researchers. Much of the work emphasized dates recovered from colonial documents that were written in the Mayan language in the Latin alphabet, according to the chapter's author, Gerardo Aldana, University of California, Santa Barbara professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies.

Later, the GMT constant was bolstered by American linguist and anthropologist Floyd Lounsbury, who used data in the Dresden Codex Venus Table, a Mayan calendar and almanac that charts dates relative to the movements of Venus.

"He took the position that his work removed the last obstacle to fully accepting the GMT constant," Aldana said in a statement. "Others took his work even further, suggesting that he had proven the GMT constant to be correct."

But according to Aldana, Lounsbury's evidence is far from irrefutable.

"If the Venus Table cannot be used to prove the FMT as Lounsbury suggests, its acceptance depends on the reliability of the corroborating data," he said. That historical data, he said, is less reliable than the Table itself, causing the argument for the GMT constant to fall "like a stack of cards."

Aldana doesn't have any answers as to what the correct calendar conversion might be, preferring to focus on why the current interpretation may be wrong. Looks like end-of-the-world theorists may need to find another ancient calendar on which to pin their apocalyptic hopes.

Secret human RFID implanting how and why (video)

(Examiner) Among greatest violations of human rights and everything the United States stands for is secretly forcing RFID chips into humans without their knowledge or consent as James Walbert and an untold number of American children and adults are experiencing. In the Majestic Picture Productions documentary trailer below, a whistleblower explains how and why he was covertly implanted by a dentist.

The retired Sacramento, California firefighter paramedic whistleblower's filmed testimony reinforces the 4-Part Examiner series, "Secretly forced brain implants," including dentistry involvement in the new wave of criminal activity targeting innocent people of integrity:

Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case ... Aug 19, 2010 ... Please see the follow up article and add a comment after it: "Forced brain implant MRI scan image, medical and investigative reports. - Cached
Secretly forced brain implant Pt II: MRI scan image and reports of ... In Secretly forced brain implants Part I, information was provided about .. .. - Cached
Secretly forced brain implants Pt III: Ex-SS, FBI contractor ... Aug 26, 2010 ... Part II: Secretly forced brain implants: MRI scan image, mdical and investigative reports. Part III: Secretly forced brain implants: Top SS,
Secretly forced brain implants Pt IV: Intel expert on the doctors ... Aug 26, 2010 ... Part I: Secretly Forced brain implants: Explosive Court Case .... the fact that this was the means by which the 9/11 terrorists were funded. ...

"The RFID implantation done without people's consent to any human completly violates everything our government is suppose to be about, what democracy is suppose to be about," says the whistleblower..

"What this RFID technology does is -- it completely stalemates everything."

Highlighted in the 4-Part series is that the covertly forced RFID human implantation is the start of a life of mind control and torture-to-death of Targeted Individuals.

Any man, woman or child can be targeted for what is nothing less than Satanic motives, such as covering up human trafficking, as the whistlblower in the film opposed.

Big Brother WILL snoop on your calls and clicks: Ministers resurrect plan to log all communication

(DailyMail) Hugely controversial ‘Big Brother’ plans to store details of every internet click, email and telephone call that we make are being revived by the Coalition, it emerged last night.

Police, security services and other public bodies would be able to find out which websites a person had visited, and when, where and to whom a text or call was made.

Security officials insist that monitoring communications data is vital in the fight against terrorism and serious organised crime.

But the plan – which was kicked into the long grass by Labour amid a public outcry – will put the Government on a collision course with civil liberties groups.

They argue it is a ‘snooper’s charter’ which will allow the state to spy on millions of innocent citizens.

So far ministers have insisted they want to provide a ‘correction in favour of liberty’ when it comes to the powers required to protect the public.

This is likely to include the scrapping or watering down of a raft of draconian laws introduced by the last government, such as so-called ‘Section 44’ stop and search without suspicion, and spying by Town Hall bureaucrats.

But ministers have been persuaded of the case to give the police and security officials enhanced rights to access the public’s communications.

Officials insist many terrorists no longer use traditional methods of communication, hatching plots in internet chatrooms or on social networking sites such as Facebook.

They can also speak over the internet, using Skype, and communicate through online computer games.

One official said communications data ‘provides evidence in court to secure convictions of those engaged in activities that cause serious harm’.

It has played a role in every major Security Service counter-terrorism operation and in 95 per cent of all serious organised crime investigations in recent years, sources said.

Firm plans will be published later this year on how the personal information – which does not include the contents of emails or text messages – should be stored.

Crucially, one option that has been ruled out is holding it all on a huge central government database.

The most likely scenario is that internet and telephone companies will be expected to store the details themselves. The authorities could then request access to the data as part of investigations.


Major rabbi says non-Jews are donkeys, created to serve Jews

(Desertpeace) A major Jewish religious figure in Israel has likened non-Jews to donkeys and beasts of burden, saying the main reason for their very existence is to serve Jews.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual mentor of the religious fundamentalist party, Shas, which represents Middle Eastern Jews, reportedly said during a Sabbath homily earlier this week that “the sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews.”

Yosef is considered a major religious leader in Israel who enjoys the allegiance of hundreds of thousands of followers.

Shas is a chief coalition partner in the current Israeli government,

Yosef, also a former Chief Rabbi of Israel, was quoted by the right-wing newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, as saying that the basic function of a goy, a derogatory word for a gentile, was to serve Jews.

“Non-Jews were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world-only to serve the People of Israel,” Yosef said in his weekly Saturday night sermon which was devoted to laws regarding actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on the Sabbath.

Yosef also reportedly said that the lives of non-Jews in Israel are preserved by God in order to prevent losses to Jews.

Yosef, widely considered a prominent Torah sage and authority on the interpretation of Talmud, a basic Jewish scripture, held a comparison between animals of burden and non-Jews.

“In Israel, death has no dominion over them…With gentiles, it will be like any person-They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

“This is his servant…That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

Yosef further elucidated his ideas about the servitude of gentiles to Jews, asking “why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap; and we will sit like an effendi and eat.”

“That is why gentiles were created.”

The concept of gentiles being infra-human beings or quasi-animals is well-established in Orthodox Judaism.

For example, rabbis affiliated with the Chabad movement, a supremacist but influential Jewish sect, teach openly that at the spiritual level, non-Jews have the status of animals.

Abraham Kook, the religious mentor of the settler movement, was quoted as saying that the difference between a Jew and a gentile was greater and deeper than the difference between humans and animals.

“The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews — all of them in all different levels — is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.”

Some of Kook’s manifestly racist ideas are taught in the Talmudic college, Merkaz H’arav, in Jerusalem. The college is named after Kook.

In his book, Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, the late Israeli writer and intellectual Israel Shahak argued that whenever Orthodox rabbis use the word “human,” they normally didn’t refer to all humans, but only to Jews, since non-Jews are not considered humans according to Halacha of Jewish law.

A few years ago, a member of the Israeli Knesset, castigated Israeli soldiers for “treating human beings as if they were Arabs.” The Knesset member, Aryeh Eldad, was commenting on the evacuation by the Israeli army of a settler outpost in the West Bank.

Faced with the negative effect of certain Biblical and Talmudic teachings on inter-religious relations, some Christian leaders in Europe have called on the Jewish religious establishment to reform the traditional Halacha perceptions of non-Jews.

However, while the Reform and Conservative sects of Judaism, have related positively to such calls, most Orthodox Jews have totally rejected the calls, arguing that the Bible is God’s word which can’t be altered under any circumstances.

The Bible says that non-Jews living under Jewish rule must serve as “water carriers and wood hewers” for the master race.

In Joshua (9:27), we read ” That day, Joshua made the Gibeonites woodcutters and water carriers for the community and for the altar of the Lord at the Place the Lord would choose. And that is what they are to this days.”

Elsewhere in the Bible, Israelites are strongly urged to treat “strangers living in your midst” humanely “because you yourselves were strangers in Egypt.”


Animal microchips linked to causing cancer

(NaturalNews) Many veterinarians recommend them, and most animal shelters require them. Identification microchips injected into the necks of cats and dogs are touted as useful in recovering lost pets because the devices store owner and medical information. But are they safe? A new lawsuit against Merck & Co., Inc., maker of the HomeAgain pet microchip, says they are not, noting that they can cause cancer to develop in pets.

Featured at, a website launched to raise awareness about the harm caused to animals by microchips, the lawsuit alleges that Merck's HomeAgain pet microchip induces cancerous tumors in pets. According to the suit, the defendant's cat developed cancer after getting a chip implant, and according to reports, other animals have gotten cancer after getting chipped as well.

"Based on the alarming number of microchip-induced cancers we're discovering, I predict this lawsuit will be just the tip of the iceberg," said Dr. Katherine Albrecht, a consumer advocate and expert on side effects associated with implantable microchips. "Merck and organizations that advocate pet chipping should take this lawsuit seriously and start warning pet owners of the risk of microchip-induced cancer."

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, potential health risks associated with implantable microchips include "adverse tissue reaction". Based on data from the British Small Animal Veterinary Association, this can include "swelling", "infection", "abscesses", and "tumors".

Albrecht presented a paper on the subject called "Microchip-Induced Tumors in Laboratory Rodents and Dogs: A Review of the Literature 1990-2006" ( at the June conference of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers that documents the increasing number of animals being harmed by microchips. Currently, there is no repository of data on adverse events associated with microchips in the U.S., but Albrecht organization, CASPIAN, is filling that void by compiling such information and making it available to the public.

To learn more about the dangers of animal microchips, visit:


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pakistan intelligence services 'aided Mumbai terror attacks'

Militant arrested last year described dozens of meetings between ISI officers and senior Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives

(Guardian) Pakistan's powerful intelligence services were heavily involved in preparations for the Mumbai terrorist attacks of November 2008, according to classified Indian government documents obtained by the Guardian.

A 109-page report into the interrogation of key suspect David Headley, a Pakistani-American militant arrested last year and detained in the US, makes detailed claims of ISI support for the bombings.

Under questioning, Headley described dozens of meetings between officers of the main Pakistani military intelligence service, the ISI, and senior militants from the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) group responsible for the Mumbai attacks.

He claims a key motivation for the ISI in aiding the attacks was to bolster militant organisations with strong links to the Pakistani state and security establishment who were being marginalised by more extreme radical groups.

Headley, who undertook surveillance of the targets in Mumbai for the operation, claims that at least two of his missions were partly paid for by the ISI and that he regularly reported to the spy agency. However, the documents suggest that supervision of the militants by the ISI was often chaotic and that the most senior officers of the agency may have been unaware at least of the scale and ambition of the operation before it was launched.

More than 160 people were killed by militants from LeT who arrived by sea to attack luxury hotels, a Jewish centre, a café, a hospital and the main railway station in Mumbai, the Indian commercial capital. Casualties included citizens from 25 countries, including four Americans killed and seven Britons injured. The attacks dominated media for days and badly damaged already poor Indian-Pakistan relations.

European and American security services now fear that LeT, which has thousands of militants, runs dozens of training camps and has extensive logistic networks overseas, is moving from what has been a largely regional agenda – focused on the disputed Himalayan former princely state of Kashmir – to a global agenda involving strikes against the west or western interests. The documents suggest the fierce internal argument within the organisation over its strategic direction is being won by hardliners.

Headley, interviewed over 34 hours by Indian investigators in America in June, described how "a debate had begun among the terrorist outfits" and "a clash of ideology" leading to "splits".

"The aggression and commitment to jihad shown by several splinter groups in Afghanistan influenced many committed fighters to leave [LeT]," Headley said. "I understand this compelled the LeT to consider a spectacular terrorist strike in India."

Headley, who changed his name from Daood Gilani, told the investigators that the ISI hoped the Mumbai attack would slow or stop growing "integration" between groups active in Kashmir, with whom the agency had maintained a long relationship, and "Taliban-based outfits" in Pakistan and Afghanistan which were a threat to the Pakistani state.

"The ISI … had no ambiguity in understanding the necessity to strike India," Headley is reported to have said. The aim of the agency was "controlling further split in the Kashmir-based outfits, providing them a sense of achievement and shifting … the theatre of violence from the domestic soil of Pakistan to India."

Headley describes meeting once with a "Colonel Kamran" from the military intelligence service and having a series of meetings with a "Major Iqbal" and a "Major Sameer Ali". A fellow conspirator was handled by a Colonel Shah, he claims. Headley also alleges that he was given $25,000 by his ISI handler to finance one of eight surveillance missions in India.

However, Headley describes the ISI director general, Lt General Shuja Pasha, visiting a key senior militant from LeT in prison after the attacks in a bid "to understand" the operation, implying that, as many western security agencies suspect, the top ranks of the agency were unaware of at least the scale of the planned strike.

The Pakistani government has repeatedly denied any involvement of any security official in the Mumbai attacks. Last night, an ISI spokesman told the Guardian the accusations of the agency's involvement in the Mumbai attacks were "baseless".

LeT was banned in Pakistan in 2002. Jamat-ud Dawa, the social welfare wing of LeT, has been blacklisted in the wake of the Mumbai attacks although it continues to function.

The revelations could prove embarrassing to the US government as well as to the Pakistanis. Reports in American newspapers over the weekend claimed that Headley's wife had tried to alert American authorities to her husband's activities but had been ignored.


Scientific American: Kill More Babies To Save Earth

(PrisonPlanet) Following the leak of a United Nations blueprint which outlined the plan to replace fearmongering about global warming with the contrived threat of overpopulation, a Scientific American report mimics precisely that talking point, pushing the notion that programs of mass abortion and birth control need to be encouraged in order to reduce the amount of humans on the planet exhaling carbon dioxide.

“Ultimately, family planning alone – such as the use of condoms and other reproductive health services – in parts of the world with growing populations, including the U.S., could restrain population growth significantly, this analysis finds,” writes David Biello.

To back up his argument, Biello links to an article by the completely discredited eugenicist Paul Ehrlich, who once stated that “everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam.”

Ehrlich, who co-authored Ecoscience with White House Science Czar John P. Holdren, the textbook that advocates putting drugs in the water supply to sterilize people, mandatory forced abortions, and a tyrannical eco-fascist dictatorship run by a “planetary regime,” is infamous for his spectacularly inaccurate predictions about how overpopulation would destroy the environment.

The article cited by Biello advocates a mass public relations campaign targeted at women to encourage them to have abortions in order to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In other words, more babies need to be killed to prevent them from exhaling CO2. Coincidentally, the cover of the Scientific American issue in which the article appears features a set of human skulls.

As we revealed in a report last month, the true agenda behind fanning the flames of fears about overpopulation is to reduce living standards globally, by preventing the third world from ever becoming economically prosperous, while also eviscerating the middle classes of western nations.

A leaked UN blueprint concerning the need to re-energize the move towards global government outlined a plan to re-brand global warming as “overpopulation” as a means of dismantling the middle classes while using “global redistribution of wealth” and increased immigration to reinvigorate the pursuit of a one world government.

The aim of globalist institutions is to “limit and redirect the aspirations for a better life of rising middle classes around the world,” in other words to reduce the standard of living for the middle classes in Western Europe and America.

Similarly, in his report, Biello decries the potential that “richer people” would lead to more consumption, once again revealing the eugenicist fervor that environmentalists embrace in deliberately preventing the third world from lifting itself out of poverty and mass starvation.

In reality, whenever a country is allowed to develop and become more prosperous, population figures drop naturally, underscoring the fact that environmentalists do not really care about the threat posed by overpopulation, their primary concern is the threat posed to the elite by a stronger middle class globally.

Environmental controls which prevent third world nations from developing infrastructure are fuelingoverpopulation, starvation and misery, which is precisely how the elitists want it to remain.

Warnings about the threat posed by overpopulation are fundamentally flawed. In reality,underpopulation will be seen as the biggest danger to human prosperity in the latter half of the 21st century.

The UN’s own figures clearly indicate that population is set to stabilize in 2020 and then drop dramatically after 2050. As the Economist reported, “Fertility is falling and families are shrinking in places— such as Brazil, Indonesia, and even parts of India—that people think of as teeming with children. As our briefing shows, the fertility rate of half the world is now 2.1 or less—the magic number that is consistent with a stable population and is usually called “the replacement rate of fertility”. Sometime between 2020 and 2050 the world’s fertility rate will fall below the global replacement rate.”

Of course, the globalist agenda to reduce world population by as much as 80% in the name of saving the environment, a figure achievable only via draconian and genocidal measures, has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with whittling down the number of slaves so that they can be more easily controlled on the plantation.

Holdren and Ehrlich’s eco-fascist plan to sterilize people through the water supply is already taking effect, as global sperm counts drop and gender-bending chemicals pollute our rivers and lakes, while feminizing antiandrogens are sprayed on our food in the form of pesticides.

Global sperm counts have dropped by a third since 1989 and by half in the past 50 years. The rate of decline is only accelerating as more and more couples find it harder to have children. In studies of white European men, the rate of decline is as much as 50 per cent in the last 30 years. In Italy, this equates to a native population reduction of 22 per cent by 2050. Population reduction is already occurring amongst native residents in many areas of Europe and America.

The agenda to reduce global population, a process that could naturally be achieved by alleviating third world poverty and lifting the living standards of people worldwide, is instead being enacted through the deliberate mass poisoning of our food and water supplies.

In addition, governments are already developing neutron bombs that destroy humans but not buildings, “for extreme ethnic cleansing in an increasingly populated world,” according to a 2007 British Ministry of Defence report, which predicted that their use could lead to the “application of lethal force without human intervention, raising consequential legal and ethical issues.”




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