America’s first intelligence operation known as the Culper Ring was established by George Washington during the Revolutionary War and its most famous member Nathan Hale was one of four graduates of Yale University in the Culper Ring beginning a long standing relationship between Yale and the Intelligence Community that continues on to this day.
A statue of Nathan Hale stands outside of the CIA Headquarters at Langley Virginia.
Samuel Russell founded Russell and Company in 1823 principally to smuggle Turkish Opium into China to feed that nations growing addiction. In 1830 Russell and Company merged with the Perkins syndicate in Boston and began to smuggle opium into America as well. Many of the wealthiest European and American families including the Rothschild Family and the English Monarchs made fortunes in the Opium trade and many of America’s most influential families have their original wealth rooted in the trade. Warren Delano, Jr., grandfather of Franklin Roosevelt was Chief of Operations inside China for Russell and Company.
A statue of Nathan Hale stands outside of the CIA Headquarters at Langley Virginia.
Samuel Russell founded Russell and Company in 1823 principally to smuggle Turkish Opium into China to feed that nations growing addiction. In 1830 Russell and Company merged with the Perkins syndicate in Boston and began to smuggle opium into America as well. Many of the wealthiest European and American families including the Rothschild Family and the English Monarchs made fortunes in the Opium trade and many of America’s most influential families have their original wealth rooted in the trade. Warren Delano, Jr., grandfather of Franklin Roosevelt was Chief of Operations inside China for Russell and Company.

Even the Forbes family of Forbes Magazine fame owes it original fortune to Russell and Company.
Samuel Russell’s cousin William went to Germany to study from 1831-1832 where he picked up some very radical ideas from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel whose philosophies espoused the notion that the state is absolute reason and a citizen is only free by worshipping the state and absolute obedience to the state. Hegel believed that the State has supreme right against the individual and the individuals primary duty is to be a member of the state and worship it and give their obedience to it.
When William Russell got back to the United States he was shocked to find that an anti-Masonic backlash had been sweeping the land and that Masons were leaving their lodges in droves after a high profile murder case of a Mason by other Masons for betraying Masonic Secrets led to a whole examination of Secret Societies and the role the Masons had played in the nation’s founding.
Many Americans were unhappy with some of the financial settlements and obligations concluded with England and Europe after the War of 1812 as well as many from the Revolution of 1776. Popular opinion was that the Masonic Founders of the nation had made deals with European Powers that were good for them and their posterity but bad for the nation and the citizens who had to pay for them.
The notion of secret societies suddenly became repugnant to Americans and this went beyond the Masons and extended to the fraternities at America’s universities.
So William Russell cofounded with Alphonso Taft the only other Chapter of The Order of Scull and Bones besides the original chapter in Germany, later the name was changed to The Order of Skull and Bones 322.
Each year 15 juniors are ‘tapped’ at Yale by senior members of Skull and Bones. Unlike most fraternities known for their wild keg parties the Skull and Bones is geared towards ensuring success for its members throughout life. Many end up in high Government positions with several having become President of the United States, several others have been Defense Secretaries and other top Cabinet level positions with others taking key positions in Media and Banking. Sworn to secrecy no ‘bones man’ has ever divulged the order’s secrets to an outsider.
One of those secrets is of course the meaning of 322
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