An apocalyptic horse with glowing red eyes welcoming visitors? Check.
Strange words and symbols embedded in the floor? Check.
Gargoyles sitting in suitcases? Check.
Runways shaped like a Nazi swastika? Check.
OK, this place is evil.
But seriously, there are so many irregularities surrounding the DIA, that a voluminous book could be written on the subject. The facilities and the art displayed lead many observers to believe that the DIA is much more than an airport: it is literally a New-Age cathedral, full of occult symbolism and references to secret societies. The art at the DIA is NOT an aggregation of odd choices made by people with poor taste, like many people think. It is a cohesive collection of symbolic pieces that reflect the philosophy, the beliefs and the goals of the global elite. The DIA is the largest airport in America and it has cost over 4.8 billion dollars. Everything regarding this airport has been meticulously planned and everything is there for a reason.
The Airport
The airport facilities themselves raised a ton of questions regarding the true purpose of the mega-structure. Numerous “creative” theories are floating around the DIA regarding underground military bases, aliens and/or reptilian creatures. While I’m aware that anything is possible, we will stick to the documented facts.
The airport was built in 1995 on 34,000 acres. Its construction forced the Stapleton International airport to shut down, although it used more gates and runways than the DIA. The initial cost of construction was 1.7 billion $ but the final project elevated the bill to 4.8 billion: 3.1 BILLION $ over budget. Numerous irregularities have been reported regarding the construction of the site:
Different contractors have been hired for different parts of the airport. They’ve all been fired after their job was done. This lead observers to believe that it was a strategy to make sure nobody had the full scope of the project.110 million cubic yards of earth have been moved, way more than usually required. This arose suspicion of construction taking place underground.

1- Horse of the Apocalypse
What does it represent? The 1st thing that came to mind when I saw this horrendous piece (for an airport anyways) is: the Pale horse of the Apocalypse. It is the fourth horse in the book of Revelation in the Bible and is appropriately called “Death”.
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse;
and his name that sat on him was
Death, and Hell followed with him. And
power was given unto them over the
fourth part of the earth, to kill with
sword, and with hunger, and with
death, and with the beasts of the earth”.
-Revelation 6:7-8
In other words, the horse “Death” brought killing with weapons, with hunger, and with disease. That’s pretty extreme a family airport, right? Doesn’t seem like that horse should be there. You will soon realize that it fits perfectly with the rest of the DIA. By the way, this is one scary horse anus!
2- Masonic Capstone
So the airport’s official website says that the name of the mural is called “Peace and Harmony with Nature”. Really? At the centre of the piece, saddened children with extinct animal and plant species. In the background, a forest on fire and further back, a city on fire.
An interesting fact about that city is that it has been retouched and painted over many times during the years, as if it represents something important for the creators. It seems surrounded by an ill coloured haze, as if it was attacked by a bio-chemical weapon. One of the children holds a Mayan tablet depicting the end of civilization
At the bottom, of this peaceful painting, we see three open-caskets containing dead girls from different cultures. Left is a Black woman, centre is a Native woman. Why are they laying there with the other animals? Are we predicting the extinction of those races? We already know that the military has developed race-specific chemical weapons. Here’s what the Project for New American Century (PNAC), a think tank that defines the foreign and defence policy of the US has to say about this:
"... the art of warfare ... will be vastly different than it is today ...
“combat” likely will take place in new dimensions ... advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
B) Children of the World Dream of Peace
The 2nd mural is a two part piece. We read from left to right, so I will analyze it from left to right.
Children of all colours, dressed in folkloric costumes give weapons wrapped in their country’s national flag to a… German boy? Huh? Yes the Bavarian costume leaves no doubt. The boy at the centre of the image, holding the hammer and apparently building something is German. Even the American kid (dressed as a boyscout) seems eager to give his weapons and flag to the German boy. You’re in the largest airport of America, in the middle of the USA, and this is the mural we display. America joyfully submitting to Germany. It’s just too odd to compute. This obviously represents countries of the world giving up their military might and their national identity for “the common good”. Another reference to a New World order, with one government and one army. But why is the German boy at the centre of everything? There are so many allusions to Germany and Nazism in this airport, there is NO WAY it can be a coincidence. I can’t help but to think of “Operation“, which brought prominent Nazi scientists and researchers to the USA after WWII. Laying at the bottom of the mural is a broken figure holding a riffle (representing war) with two doves sitting on top of it (representing peace). Heartwarming. Now follow the movement the of the rainbow that starts underneath that statue, going around the children and leading you to part II of the mural (which has recently painted over)
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