Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wikileaks Confirm US Funds Taliban

Wikileak documents reveal that Pakistan has been funding the Taliban.

"The Taliban are stronger than ever and a crucial component of their success is the support they receive from Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). The military spy agency nurtured the Taliban in the 1990s and has maintained ties to the group ever since."

And guess who has been funding Pakistan and the ISI to the tune of billions of dollars? Billions of which "go missing?"

Just two weeks ago, Hillary Clinton announced millions more. Obama officials say the US-Pakistani relationship will not be harmed by these revelations.

Of course not. The goyim must continue to destroy themselves in Afghanistan.

Pakistani support for the Taliban is spun in terms of rivalry with India. In fact, the Pakistani Interservices Intelligence Agency takes its orders from the CIA, and the CIA is run by the Illuminati bankers.

The Illuminati bankers can't embroil the goyim in perpetual wars without financing both sides. Otherwise the wars would end abruptly. Similarly, North Vietnam was dependent on Russia and China during the Vietnam war. And Russia/China were funded by same bankers.

The Illuminati bankers have waged war on humanity by starting and financing every war and revolution for more than 400 years, all to wear us down in preparation for their world tyranny, the New World Order.

Full article here


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