Conservationists are overestimating the number of species that have been driven to extinction, scientists have said.
A study has found that a third of all mammal species declared extinct in the past few centuries have turned up alive and well.
Some of the more reclusive creatures managed to hide from sight for 80 years only to reappear within four years of being officially named extinct in the wild.
The shy okapi – which resembles a cross between a zebra and a giraffe – was first discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1901.
After increasingly rarer sightings, it vanished from the wildlife radar for decades from 1959, prompting fears that it had died out.
But five years ago researchers working for the WWF found okapi tracks in the wild.
Other mammals ‘back from the dead’ include the rat-like Cuban solenodon, the Christmas Island shrew, the Vanikoro Flying Fox of the Solomon Islands, the Australian central rock rat and the Talaud Flying Fox of Indonesia.
The revelations come as the world’s leading conservationists prepare for a major United Nations summit on biodiversity in Nagoya, Japan, next month.
Many scientists believe the world is going through a new ‘mass extinction’ fuelled by mankind – and that more species are disappearing now than at any time since the dinosaurs vanished 65million years ago.
According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 22 per cent of the world’s mammals are at risk of extinction. In Britain, more than two plant and animal species are being wiped out each year.
But while the report does not play down the threat from deforestation, overfishing or habitat destruction, it raises questions about the way species are classified as extinct.
Dr Diana Fisher, of the University of Queensland, Australia, compiled a list of all mammals declared extinct since the 16th century or which were flagged up as missing in scientific papers.
‘We identified 187 mammal species that have been missing since 1500,’ she wrote in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
‘In the complete data-set, 67 species that were once missing have been rediscovered. More than a third of mammal species that have been classified as extinct or possibly extinct, or flagged as missing, have been rediscovered.’
Mammals that suffered from loss of habitat were the most likely to have been declared extinct and then rediscovered, she said.
Species spread out over larger areas were also more likely to be wrongly classified as extinct.
The mistakes cannot be blamed on primitive technology or old fashioned scientific methods.
‘Mammals missing in the 20th century were nearly three times as likely to be rediscovered as those that disappeared in the 19th century,’ Dr Fisher added.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Iran nuclear experts race to stop spread of Stuxnet computer worm
Iran believes virus spread from Russian laptops aims to shut down Bushehr nuclear plant
Experts at Iran's nuclear agency are trying to disable a complex computer virus that has attacked the country's industrial sites and appears to be aimed at shutting down its Bushehr nuclear plant, which was due to go online next month.
According to the semi-official ISNA news agency, officials at Iran's nuclear agency have met to determine how to combat the computer worm, called Stuxnet, which can take over systems that control the inner workings of industrial plants.
The ISNA report said the virus had spread throughout Iran, but did not name the sites affected.
Computer security experts who have studied Stuxnet since it emerged two months ago believe it was designed specifically to attack the Siemens-designed working system of the Bushehr plant and appears to have infected the system via the laptops and USB drives of Russian technicians who had been working there.
Western experts say the worm's sophistication – and the fact that some 60% of computers infected appeared to be in Iran – pointed to a government-backed attack.
Although the worm has turned up in other countries since first appearing in July – including Indonesia and the US – the frequency of its appearance in Iran has suggested the country was the intended victim of the cyber-warfare attack, with some analysts speculating that Israel might be behind it.
The Russian-built nuclear plant will be internationally supervised, but world powers remain concerned that Iran wants to use its civil nuclear power programme as a cover for making weapons.
While there have been no reports of damage or disruption at any Iranian nuclear facilities, last Tuesday's meeting signalled a high level of concern about the worm among Iran's nuclear officials. The Stuxnet worm has surprised experts because it is the first one created to take over industrial control systems, rather than just steal or manipulate data.
Obama demands online wiretap bill to allow spooks to eavesdrop on BlackBerries and social networking sites
Broad new regulations being drafted by the Obama administration would make it easier for law enforcement and national security officials to eavesdrop on Internet and e-mail communications like social networking web sites and BlackBerries.
The White House plans to submit a bill next year that would require all online services that enable communications to be technically equipped to comply with a wiretap order.
That would include providers of encrypted e-mail, such as BlackBerry, networking sites like Facebook and direct communication services like Skype, the New York Times reported.
Federal law enforcement and national security officials say the regulations are needed because terrorists and criminals are increasingly giving up their phones to communicate online.
'We're talking about lawfully authorised intercepts,' said FBI lawyer Valerie E. Caproni.
'We're not talking about expanding authority. We're talking about preserving our ability to execute our existing authority in order to protect the public safety and national security.'
The White House plans to submit the proposed legislation to Congress next year.
The new regulations would raise new questions about protecting people's privacy while balancing national security concerns
James Dempsey, the vice president of the Center for Democracy and Technology, an Internet policy group, said the new regulations would have 'huge implications.'
'They basically want to turn back the clock and make Internet services function the way that the telephone system used to function,' he told the Times.
The paper said the Obama proposal is likely to include the following requirements:
Any service that provides encrypted messages must be capable of unscrambling them.
Any foreign communications providers that do business in the U.S. would have to have an office in the United States that's capable of providing intercepts.
Software developers of peer-to-peer communications services would be required to redesign their products to allow interception.
The Times said that some privacy and technology advocates say the regulations would create weaknesses in the technology that hackers could more easily exploit
Internet and phone networks are already legally required to have eavesdropping abilities due to the 1994 Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act.
However, it does not apply to communication service providers – such as Research in Motion, which manufactures Blackberry devices.
The company has recently been involved in disputes with India, the UAE and other countries over security fears over its email encryption
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A Logical look at September 11th, 2001
As stated in the title, let’s take a long hard logical look at 9/11. Look at the events and see them with a logical and open mind. Let us not use the same eyes filled with terror and dread as we did that day, but take a calm and logical approach to the events. We must step away from the shock and awe of the attacks, and the death that has resulted sense.
Now first, let us take a view of the individuals we were told committed the attacks. We are told that these men were fundamental extremist, bent on instilling fear and terror by killing Americans by the thousands. We are told by history, that these individuals, Muslim Extremist, are deeply religious and have an absolutely religious view in everything they do. Now these Muslim extremist are notorious for concealing themselves right up until the times of their attack.
Here in lies the problem with these particular individuals. You see, these men did not conceal or hide themselves, or their actions, in any way whatsoever. It is common knowledge, or should be to a well informed individual, that these men often consumed alcohol and visited sexually explicit establishments. Some of these individuals actually used credit cards in their own names, and made no attempt to “lay low” or “stay off the radar”. They did all they could to attract attention. Some of these people would go on to apply for government loans and often asked about the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. These men were flashy, by a very liberal use of the word. Individuals who encountered them clearly remember them.
Now, if we are to use history to decide if these men are actually who we are told they are, then they do not fit the profile of Muslim Extremist! These men often broke sacred Muslim laws and traditions while here supposedly planning their mission. In no way were these men devout Muslims. If history is our guide and judge as to what a Muslim Extremist is, then these men were most assuredly NOT, Muslim Extremist.
Now true martyrs to a cause would have humbly carried out their day to day lives and duties in preparation for the attack. After all, the Martyrs group or affiliation is left to claim the attack. Yet on 9/11 there is no clear indication or even admission of guilt or claim of responsibility for the attacks on 9/11. Not even Mr. Osama Bin Laden has actually claimed the event.
So, do these individuals logically and historically fit the profile of Devout Muslim Extremist set to die for the glory of Islam? I would say not.
Now, let us view with logic and reason the actions of our own FAA and NORAD on the day of September 11th, 2001. We have been told for over fifty years now that these organizations were put in place to guide and protect the skies of the United States. For years both of these organizations have grown into very well respected and dependable institutions. We have erected these very agencies for the purpose of keeping track of aircraft, and keeping the skies of America safe. We have poured billions of dollars and given the most advanced weapons on the face of the Earth to these organizations, in hopes they could stave off any disaster over American skies. It is public knowledge of how easy it is for the FAA to have NORAD intercept errant aircraft in a matter of minutes. It had worked this way every day before 9/11. Yet for all this, we are told that all that was put into place to protect us, failed!
Now let’s look at the reasons why we are told all of these systems failed. Remember to look at what is being said, and the actions of the day, with logic, reason and calm. Now the FAA claims to have lost contact with civilian airliners over American airspace for in some cases up to 10 to 15 min, before any action was taken. It does not matter which plane or where. We are looking at overall actions and not specific information. No, these aircraft would proceed, unimpeded by the FAA for quite some time, before they actually called the military and told them they had lost airliners!
Logically, this is impossible. You see, the FAA, as well as NORAD, have very strict and strident rules in regards to lost contact with aircraft. Controllers are well versed and trained in these procedures. Within minutes of lost contact, the military is informed and action is taken. This is the way that it has worked for years, before 9/11 that is. On this day it seems that all forms of procedure and protocol were slack, or nonexistent.
Now does this seem logical, or even remotely possible? My logic, and common knowledge, tell me no.
NORAD is the institution directly responsible for the defense of North American airspace. They are equipped with the most advanced aerial tracking system known to man. This organization can track, and could on 9/11 as well, real time airborne objects over any area of the continental United States. I mean, this is the heart and soul, as well as the last line of defense for our nation. Yet on 9/11, the military was conducting multiple, overlapping, war games which spanned every agency across the American defense grid, at the same time. Now it was these very war games which supposedly crippled the entire defense grid for almost an hour, allowing the attacks to be concluded.
To even consider, that there were individuals in the United States military command that would be stupid enough to schedule events in such a way, that it utterly cripples the entire defense network, is an absolute insult to the intelligence of the American citizen! I mean, the scenario defies even simple belief, let alone logic. If we are expected to accept this as the actual truth as to the military, and the civilian commands, explanation as to their lack of action, then they believe we must truly be a nation of retarded avatars!
Finally, we come to the ultimate results of the military and civil commands inability, or lack of willingness to act. Two of the most powerful, over engineered buildings ever built, crumble to a fine powder as a result of plane impact damage and fire. Then watch a building, not hit by a plane, and sustaining marginal damage from the collapse of the towers and a few scattered fires, descend straight down into its own footprint in roughly 6 seconds. I refer to the very little know, and never shown again since by main stream media outlets, Building 7, or Salomon Brothers Bldg.
Now remember, look at it logically, without the shock and awe you felt that day. We have seen two large aircraft impact two large buildings and large fireballs erupting after each impact. We can see the damage to the face of the buildings where the planes hit, and we watch the towers pour out black smoke for 45 min. In no way do we see at any time after impact, any fires that could be called infernos that ravaged the unprotected steel. We do not see intense heat coming out of the towers from invisible internal fires that ultimately bring both towers down to the ground.
Now, logically you would expect that the men responsible for the design and construction of then the world’s tallest building would have accounted for the impact of modern jet liners. Well, they did. Actually, they designed them to withstand a fully loaded jetliner of the time at top speed. The aircraft that hit that day, weighed less, was flying slower, and only had half of the fuel load, of the planes the tower was specifically designed to survive. Logic would hold that the towers would have not only survived, but held strong until fires were out and repairs could begin.
Alas, this was sadly not the case as we all well know. For all of our technical achievements and great knowledge of our engineers, all the basic laws of common knowledge, physics, and logic seemed to have been absent this day. Yes, on this day, it would seem that hundreds, if not thousands of people seemed to put aside all their training and procedures, and let logical thought go for about 2 crucial hours when we needed them most. Yet, the entire apparatus was magically resurrected once the attacks were complete. These agencies which had just so utterly failed us, managed to guide, track, and land thousands upon thousands of civilian jetliners and completely clear the entire American sky of all objects, in little more time than it took the terrorist to carry out their mission.
Now good reader I ask you, does any of the explanations regarding 9/11 given to us by the administration at the time, and carried on in the present, have any basis in logic, or reason? I would say not.
Now first, let us take a view of the individuals we were told committed the attacks. We are told that these men were fundamental extremist, bent on instilling fear and terror by killing Americans by the thousands. We are told by history, that these individuals, Muslim Extremist, are deeply religious and have an absolutely religious view in everything they do. Now these Muslim extremist are notorious for concealing themselves right up until the times of their attack.
Here in lies the problem with these particular individuals. You see, these men did not conceal or hide themselves, or their actions, in any way whatsoever. It is common knowledge, or should be to a well informed individual, that these men often consumed alcohol and visited sexually explicit establishments. Some of these individuals actually used credit cards in their own names, and made no attempt to “lay low” or “stay off the radar”. They did all they could to attract attention. Some of these people would go on to apply for government loans and often asked about the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. These men were flashy, by a very liberal use of the word. Individuals who encountered them clearly remember them.
Now, if we are to use history to decide if these men are actually who we are told they are, then they do not fit the profile of Muslim Extremist! These men often broke sacred Muslim laws and traditions while here supposedly planning their mission. In no way were these men devout Muslims. If history is our guide and judge as to what a Muslim Extremist is, then these men were most assuredly NOT, Muslim Extremist.
Now true martyrs to a cause would have humbly carried out their day to day lives and duties in preparation for the attack. After all, the Martyrs group or affiliation is left to claim the attack. Yet on 9/11 there is no clear indication or even admission of guilt or claim of responsibility for the attacks on 9/11. Not even Mr. Osama Bin Laden has actually claimed the event.
So, do these individuals logically and historically fit the profile of Devout Muslim Extremist set to die for the glory of Islam? I would say not.
Now, let us view with logic and reason the actions of our own FAA and NORAD on the day of September 11th, 2001. We have been told for over fifty years now that these organizations were put in place to guide and protect the skies of the United States. For years both of these organizations have grown into very well respected and dependable institutions. We have erected these very agencies for the purpose of keeping track of aircraft, and keeping the skies of America safe. We have poured billions of dollars and given the most advanced weapons on the face of the Earth to these organizations, in hopes they could stave off any disaster over American skies. It is public knowledge of how easy it is for the FAA to have NORAD intercept errant aircraft in a matter of minutes. It had worked this way every day before 9/11. Yet for all this, we are told that all that was put into place to protect us, failed!
Now let’s look at the reasons why we are told all of these systems failed. Remember to look at what is being said, and the actions of the day, with logic, reason and calm. Now the FAA claims to have lost contact with civilian airliners over American airspace for in some cases up to 10 to 15 min, before any action was taken. It does not matter which plane or where. We are looking at overall actions and not specific information. No, these aircraft would proceed, unimpeded by the FAA for quite some time, before they actually called the military and told them they had lost airliners!
Logically, this is impossible. You see, the FAA, as well as NORAD, have very strict and strident rules in regards to lost contact with aircraft. Controllers are well versed and trained in these procedures. Within minutes of lost contact, the military is informed and action is taken. This is the way that it has worked for years, before 9/11 that is. On this day it seems that all forms of procedure and protocol were slack, or nonexistent.
Now does this seem logical, or even remotely possible? My logic, and common knowledge, tell me no.
NORAD is the institution directly responsible for the defense of North American airspace. They are equipped with the most advanced aerial tracking system known to man. This organization can track, and could on 9/11 as well, real time airborne objects over any area of the continental United States. I mean, this is the heart and soul, as well as the last line of defense for our nation. Yet on 9/11, the military was conducting multiple, overlapping, war games which spanned every agency across the American defense grid, at the same time. Now it was these very war games which supposedly crippled the entire defense grid for almost an hour, allowing the attacks to be concluded.
To even consider, that there were individuals in the United States military command that would be stupid enough to schedule events in such a way, that it utterly cripples the entire defense network, is an absolute insult to the intelligence of the American citizen! I mean, the scenario defies even simple belief, let alone logic. If we are expected to accept this as the actual truth as to the military, and the civilian commands, explanation as to their lack of action, then they believe we must truly be a nation of retarded avatars!
Finally, we come to the ultimate results of the military and civil commands inability, or lack of willingness to act. Two of the most powerful, over engineered buildings ever built, crumble to a fine powder as a result of plane impact damage and fire. Then watch a building, not hit by a plane, and sustaining marginal damage from the collapse of the towers and a few scattered fires, descend straight down into its own footprint in roughly 6 seconds. I refer to the very little know, and never shown again since by main stream media outlets, Building 7, or Salomon Brothers Bldg.
Now remember, look at it logically, without the shock and awe you felt that day. We have seen two large aircraft impact two large buildings and large fireballs erupting after each impact. We can see the damage to the face of the buildings where the planes hit, and we watch the towers pour out black smoke for 45 min. In no way do we see at any time after impact, any fires that could be called infernos that ravaged the unprotected steel. We do not see intense heat coming out of the towers from invisible internal fires that ultimately bring both towers down to the ground.
Now, logically you would expect that the men responsible for the design and construction of then the world’s tallest building would have accounted for the impact of modern jet liners. Well, they did. Actually, they designed them to withstand a fully loaded jetliner of the time at top speed. The aircraft that hit that day, weighed less, was flying slower, and only had half of the fuel load, of the planes the tower was specifically designed to survive. Logic would hold that the towers would have not only survived, but held strong until fires were out and repairs could begin.
Alas, this was sadly not the case as we all well know. For all of our technical achievements and great knowledge of our engineers, all the basic laws of common knowledge, physics, and logic seemed to have been absent this day. Yes, on this day, it would seem that hundreds, if not thousands of people seemed to put aside all their training and procedures, and let logical thought go for about 2 crucial hours when we needed them most. Yet, the entire apparatus was magically resurrected once the attacks were complete. These agencies which had just so utterly failed us, managed to guide, track, and land thousands upon thousands of civilian jetliners and completely clear the entire American sky of all objects, in little more time than it took the terrorist to carry out their mission.
Now good reader I ask you, does any of the explanations regarding 9/11 given to us by the administration at the time, and carried on in the present, have any basis in logic, or reason? I would say not.
UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
THE United Nations was set today to appoint an obscure Malaysian astrophysicist to act as Earth’s first contact for any aliens that may come visiting.
Mazlan Othman, the head of the UN's little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa), is to describe her potential new role next week at a scientific conference at the Royal Society’s Kavli conference centre in Buckinghamshire.
She is scheduled to tell delegates that the recent discovery of hundreds of planets around other stars has made the detection of extraterrestrial life more likely than ever before - and that means the UN must be ready to coordinate humanity’s response to any “first contact”.
During a talk Othman gave recently to fellow scientists, she said: “The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day humankind will receive signals from extraterrestrials.
"When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.”
Professor Richard Crowther, an expert in space law and governance at the UK Space Agency and who leads British delegations to the UN on such matters, said: “Othman is absolutely the nearest thing we have to a ‘take me to your leader’ person.”
However, he thinks humanity’s first encounter with any intelligent aliens is more likely to be via radio or light signals from a distant planet than by beings arriving on Earth. And, he suggests, even if we do encounter aliens in the flesh, they are more likely to be microbes than anything intelligent.
Mazlan Othman, the head of the UN's little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa), is to describe her potential new role next week at a scientific conference at the Royal Society’s Kavli conference centre in Buckinghamshire.
She is scheduled to tell delegates that the recent discovery of hundreds of planets around other stars has made the detection of extraterrestrial life more likely than ever before - and that means the UN must be ready to coordinate humanity’s response to any “first contact”.
During a talk Othman gave recently to fellow scientists, she said: “The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day humankind will receive signals from extraterrestrials.
"When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.”
Professor Richard Crowther, an expert in space law and governance at the UK Space Agency and who leads British delegations to the UN on such matters, said: “Othman is absolutely the nearest thing we have to a ‘take me to your leader’ person.”
However, he thinks humanity’s first encounter with any intelligent aliens is more likely to be via radio or light signals from a distant planet than by beings arriving on Earth. And, he suggests, even if we do encounter aliens in the flesh, they are more likely to be microbes than anything intelligent.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
‘Americans seek probe into 9/11′
An international lawyer says many now question the truth behind the 9/11 attacks, and that American citizens are demanding an international probe into the incident.
“Ahmadinejad is absolutely rational and correct on this, that the American people are now coming to the point of demanding an international inquiry (into the 9/11 attacks), ” Franklin Lamb told Press TV.
The Beirut-based lawyer was referring to remarks by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his address to the 65th UN General Assembly that the 9/11 incident might have been the result of an inside job in the United States.
“This call [for an international investigation] didn’t start in the Middle East. It stated more than a year ago in Canada, in Europe, in Latin America, and increasingly in America itself,” he continued.
“There are just too many questions raised by architects, by pilots, by experts, by engineers, by [US Department of] Homeland Security employees and the FBI,” the international lawyer reiterated.
“There is every reason to have an inquiry and the [US President Barack] Obama administration should join this call, not oppose it,” he underlined.
The lawyer added what President Ahmadinejad said was a ‘logical proposal’ and that “the president of Iran is now in synchronization with the majority of the American people.”
“Ahmadinejad is absolutely rational and correct on this, that the American people are now coming to the point of demanding an international inquiry (into the 9/11 attacks), ” Franklin Lamb told Press TV.
The Beirut-based lawyer was referring to remarks by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his address to the 65th UN General Assembly that the 9/11 incident might have been the result of an inside job in the United States.
“This call [for an international investigation] didn’t start in the Middle East. It stated more than a year ago in Canada, in Europe, in Latin America, and increasingly in America itself,” he continued.
“There are just too many questions raised by architects, by pilots, by experts, by engineers, by [US Department of] Homeland Security employees and the FBI,” the international lawyer reiterated.
“There is every reason to have an inquiry and the [US President Barack] Obama administration should join this call, not oppose it,” he underlined.
The lawyer added what President Ahmadinejad said was a ‘logical proposal’ and that “the president of Iran is now in synchronization with the majority of the American people.”
Thursday, September 23, 2010
US walks out on Ahmadinejad's UN speech
UNITED NATIONS – Iran's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejadprovoked yet another controversy Thursday saying a majority of people in the United States and around the world believe the American government staged the Sept. 11 terror attacks in an attempt to assure Israel's survival.
The provocative comments prompted the U.S. delegation to walk out of Ahmadinejad's U.N. speech, where he also blamed the U.S. as the power behind U.N. Security Council sanctions against Iran for its refusal to halt uranium enrichment, a technology that can be used as fuel for electricity generation or to build nuclear weapons.
Delegations from all 27 European Union nations followed the Americans out along with representatives from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Costa Rica, an EU diplomat said.
Ahmadinejad said the U.S. has allocated $80 billion to upgrade its nuclear arsenal and is not a fair judge to sit as a veto-wieldingpermanent member of the Security Council to punish Iran for its nuclear activities. Iran denies it is seeking a nuclear weapon.
The Iranian leader — who has in the past cast doubt over the U.S. version of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks — also called for setting up an independent fact-finding U.N. team to probe the attacks. That, he said, would keep the terror assault from turning into what he has called a sacred issue like the Holocaust where "expressing opinion about it won't be banned".
Ahmadinejad did not explain the logic behind blaming the U.S. for the terror attacks but said there were three theories:
_That a "powerful and complex terrorist group" penetrated U.S. intelligence and defenses, which is advocated "by American statesmen."
_"That some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime. The majority of the American people as well as other nations and politicians agree with this view."
After Ahmadinejad uttered those words, two American diplomats stood and walked out without listening to the third theory: That the attack was the work of "a terrorist group but the American government supported and took advantage of the situation."
Mark Kornblau, spokesman of the U.S. Mission to the world body, issued a statement within moments of the walkout.
"Rather than representing the aspirations and goodwill of the Iranian people," he said, "Mr. Ahmadinejad has yet again chosen to spout vile conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic slurs that are as abhorrent and delusional as they are predictable."
Ahmadinejad said the U.S. used the Sept. 11 attacks as a pretext to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands of people. He argued that the U.S., instead, should have "designed a logical plan" to punish the perpetrators and not occupy two independent states and shed so much blood.
He boasted of the capture in February of Abdulmalik Rigi, the leader of an armed Sunni group whose insurgency in the southeast of Iran has destabilized the border region with Pakistan. He praised Iranian security forces for capturing him in an overseas operation without resorting to violence. Rigi was later hanged.
Ahmadinejad's attacks on the United States and the dispute over Iran's nuclear program dominated the opening of the General Assembly's annual ministerial meeting.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned kings, prime ministers and presidents in his keynote address of the growing political polarization and social inequalities in the world and implored U.N. members to show greater tolerance and mutual respect to bring nations and peoples together.
"We hear the language of hate, false divisions between `them' and `us,' those who insist on `their way' or `no way,'" he said.
In times of such polarization and uncertainty, Ban said, "let us remember, the world still looks to the United Nations for moral and political leadership."
President Barack Obama, speaking soon after, echoed the secretary-general, warning that underneath challenges to security and prosperity "lie deeper fears: that ancient hatreds and religious divides are once again ascendant; that a world which has grown more interconnected has somehow slipped beyond our control."
The U.S. president's 32-minute speech — more than twice the allotted 15 minutes — covered global hotspots from Iran and Afghanistan to the Mideast and North Korea.
Obama said Iran is the only party to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty "that cannot demonstrate the peaceful intentions of its nuclear program" and as a result the U.N. Security Council has imposed four rounds of increasingly tough sanctions.
"The United States and the international community seek a resolution to our differences with Iran, and the door remains open to diplomacy should Iran choose to walk through it," he said. "But the Iranian government must demonstrate a clear and credible commitment, and confirm to the world the peaceful intent of its nuclear program."
Ahmadinejad, speaking in the afternoon session, stressed that Iran will never submit "to illegally imposed pressures" from the U.N. nuclear agency which has been demanding that Tehran halt enrichment, a key Security Council demand as well.
"Iran has always been ready for a dialogue based on respect and justice," he said.
But the Iranian leader said sanctions imposed by the Security Council were illegal and disrespectful.
The General Assembly hall was packed for Obama's speech, with leaders and diplomats, including Iran's U.N. Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee, listening carefully, some snapping photos with cell phone cameras. Obama was interrupted twice by applause and received a prolonged and warm response at the end of his remarks.
Just ahead of Obama's speech, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorin sharply criticized the United States, saying that the 2003 invasion of Iraq demonstrated that the "blind faith in intelligence reports tailored to justify political goals must be rejected."
"We must ban once and for all the use of force inconsistent with international law," Amorin told the General Assembly, adding that all international disputes should be peacefully resolved through dialogue.
Qatar's Emir Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani declared that terrorism "should not be treated by waging wars."
He blamed wars fought to combat terrorism for spreading destruction, causing the death and displacement of millions of people "as well as economic and financial crises that shook the stability of the world and undermined the efforts made in dialogue among cultures.
"What we fear is for the war on terrorism to turn into commercial transactions, financial contracts and armies of mercenaries who kill outside of any international and human legitimacy," the emir said. "These are all very dangerous things."
The provocative comments prompted the U.S. delegation to walk out of Ahmadinejad's U.N. speech, where he also blamed the U.S. as the power behind U.N. Security Council sanctions against Iran for its refusal to halt uranium enrichment, a technology that can be used as fuel for electricity generation or to build nuclear weapons.
Delegations from all 27 European Union nations followed the Americans out along with representatives from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Costa Rica, an EU diplomat said.
Ahmadinejad said the U.S. has allocated $80 billion to upgrade its nuclear arsenal and is not a fair judge to sit as a veto-wieldingpermanent member of the Security Council to punish Iran for its nuclear activities. Iran denies it is seeking a nuclear weapon.
The Iranian leader — who has in the past cast doubt over the U.S. version of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks — also called for setting up an independent fact-finding U.N. team to probe the attacks. That, he said, would keep the terror assault from turning into what he has called a sacred issue like the Holocaust where "expressing opinion about it won't be banned".
Ahmadinejad did not explain the logic behind blaming the U.S. for the terror attacks but said there were three theories:
_That a "powerful and complex terrorist group" penetrated U.S. intelligence and defenses, which is advocated "by American statesmen."
_"That some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime. The majority of the American people as well as other nations and politicians agree with this view."
After Ahmadinejad uttered those words, two American diplomats stood and walked out without listening to the third theory: That the attack was the work of "a terrorist group but the American government supported and took advantage of the situation."
Mark Kornblau, spokesman of the U.S. Mission to the world body, issued a statement within moments of the walkout.
"Rather than representing the aspirations and goodwill of the Iranian people," he said, "Mr. Ahmadinejad has yet again chosen to spout vile conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic slurs that are as abhorrent and delusional as they are predictable."
Ahmadinejad said the U.S. used the Sept. 11 attacks as a pretext to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands of people. He argued that the U.S., instead, should have "designed a logical plan" to punish the perpetrators and not occupy two independent states and shed so much blood.
He boasted of the capture in February of Abdulmalik Rigi, the leader of an armed Sunni group whose insurgency in the southeast of Iran has destabilized the border region with Pakistan. He praised Iranian security forces for capturing him in an overseas operation without resorting to violence. Rigi was later hanged.
Ahmadinejad's attacks on the United States and the dispute over Iran's nuclear program dominated the opening of the General Assembly's annual ministerial meeting.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned kings, prime ministers and presidents in his keynote address of the growing political polarization and social inequalities in the world and implored U.N. members to show greater tolerance and mutual respect to bring nations and peoples together.
"We hear the language of hate, false divisions between `them' and `us,' those who insist on `their way' or `no way,'" he said.
In times of such polarization and uncertainty, Ban said, "let us remember, the world still looks to the United Nations for moral and political leadership."
President Barack Obama, speaking soon after, echoed the secretary-general, warning that underneath challenges to security and prosperity "lie deeper fears: that ancient hatreds and religious divides are once again ascendant; that a world which has grown more interconnected has somehow slipped beyond our control."
The U.S. president's 32-minute speech — more than twice the allotted 15 minutes — covered global hotspots from Iran and Afghanistan to the Mideast and North Korea.
Obama said Iran is the only party to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty "that cannot demonstrate the peaceful intentions of its nuclear program" and as a result the U.N. Security Council has imposed four rounds of increasingly tough sanctions.
"The United States and the international community seek a resolution to our differences with Iran, and the door remains open to diplomacy should Iran choose to walk through it," he said. "But the Iranian government must demonstrate a clear and credible commitment, and confirm to the world the peaceful intent of its nuclear program."
Ahmadinejad, speaking in the afternoon session, stressed that Iran will never submit "to illegally imposed pressures" from the U.N. nuclear agency which has been demanding that Tehran halt enrichment, a key Security Council demand as well.
"Iran has always been ready for a dialogue based on respect and justice," he said.
But the Iranian leader said sanctions imposed by the Security Council were illegal and disrespectful.
The General Assembly hall was packed for Obama's speech, with leaders and diplomats, including Iran's U.N. Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee, listening carefully, some snapping photos with cell phone cameras. Obama was interrupted twice by applause and received a prolonged and warm response at the end of his remarks.
Just ahead of Obama's speech, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorin sharply criticized the United States, saying that the 2003 invasion of Iraq demonstrated that the "blind faith in intelligence reports tailored to justify political goals must be rejected."
"We must ban once and for all the use of force inconsistent with international law," Amorin told the General Assembly, adding that all international disputes should be peacefully resolved through dialogue.
Qatar's Emir Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani declared that terrorism "should not be treated by waging wars."
He blamed wars fought to combat terrorism for spreading destruction, causing the death and displacement of millions of people "as well as economic and financial crises that shook the stability of the world and undermined the efforts made in dialogue among cultures.
"What we fear is for the war on terrorism to turn into commercial transactions, financial contracts and armies of mercenaries who kill outside of any international and human legitimacy," the emir said. "These are all very dangerous things."
Polysorbate 80 In Swine Flu Vaccines = Infertility In Humans
Would you feel comfortable being injected with a vaccine that contains a substance that has been strongly linked to infertility? Well, if you take the Fluarix swine flu vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline or any of the other swine flu vaccines that contain Polysorbate 80 that is exactly what you will be doing. If you are considering getting the swine flu vaccine, or any other vaccine for that matter, perhaps you should educate yourself about EXACTLY what is in these vaccines before you allow them to be injected into your body.
Perhaps you think that linking the swine flu vaccine with infertility is quite a stretch. Well, let's take this one step at a time.
#1) Polysorbate 80 is in the Fluarix swine flu vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline according to the CDC. This is confirmed by the CDC in the document below.....
#2) A medical study done in Slovakia injected newborn female rats with Tween 80 (Polysorbate 80). These newborn female rats were injected with Polysorbate 80 at days 4 to 7 after birth. The researchers found that Polysorbate 80 accelerated the maturation of the female rats, damaged the vagina and womb lining, caused significant hormonal changes, severe ovary deformities and ultimately rendered the young female rats infertile.
In fact, Dee Nicholson, the National Communications Director for Freedom in Canadian Health Care is not shy about saying that Polysorbate 80 is "linked to infertility in mice".
#3) In the package insert for Fluarix, GlaxoSmithKline specifically mentions that they cannot guarantee that their flu vaccine will not damage your fertility: "FLUARIX has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility." Thanks to foolishly passed laws by the U.S. government, you will not be able to sue anyone if it does leave you infertile.
#4) GlaxoSmithKline is not alone in using Polysorbate 80. It is being reported that Novartis is using the adjuvant MF59 in its swine flu vaccine. The MF59 adjuvant contains Tween80 (Polysorbate 80) and squalene among other things.
#5) On the World Intellectual Property Organization, a patent application for a "fertility impairing vaccine". The University of Georgia Research Foundation is listed as the patent applicant.
In the description section of the patent application, Tween 80 (Polysorbate 80) is listed as a preferred ingredient:
"In a preferred embodiment the vaccine comprises oil, preferably a biodegradable oil such as squalene oil, in an amount of about 2.5% to about 15%, preferably about 8% to about 12%. In preparing the vaccine it is advantageous to combine a concentrated oily adjuvant composition with an aqueous solution of the antigen, pZP glycoprotein. Typically, the vaccine is prepared using an adjuvant concentrate which contains lecithin (about 5% to about 15 % wt/vol, preferably about 12% wt/vol) and STDCM (preferably about 25 mg/mL to about 50 mg/mL) in squalene oil. The term % wt/vol means grams per 100 mL of liquid. The aqueous solution containing the isolated pZP glycoprotein is typically a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, and additionally preferably contains Tween 80 (about 0.2% vol/vol to about 0.8% vol/vol, preferably about 0.4% vol/vol)."
#6) The United Nations is actively seeking ways to limit and control population growth around the globe. An incredibly shocking U.N. population division policy brief from March 2009 asked this very disturbing question:
What would it take to accelerate fertility decline in the least developed countries?
You can read this almost unbelievable document here:
The reality is that for the super wealthy global elite and the majority of the social engineers at the United Nations, population control is a major obsession. If you doubt this fact, just read this article:
The truth is that the more people learn about what is in these vaccines, the less likely they are to take them. It is important to do your own research before letting anyone inject anything into your body. Those who blindly trust the government or world health authorities are likely the ones to end up being extremely disappointed in the end.
Perhaps you think that linking the swine flu vaccine with infertility is quite a stretch. Well, let's take this one step at a time.
#1) Polysorbate 80 is in the Fluarix swine flu vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline according to the CDC. This is confirmed by the CDC in the document below.....
#2) A medical study done in Slovakia injected newborn female rats with Tween 80 (Polysorbate 80). These newborn female rats were injected with Polysorbate 80 at days 4 to 7 after birth. The researchers found that Polysorbate 80 accelerated the maturation of the female rats, damaged the vagina and womb lining, caused significant hormonal changes, severe ovary deformities and ultimately rendered the young female rats infertile.
In fact, Dee Nicholson, the National Communications Director for Freedom in Canadian Health Care is not shy about saying that Polysorbate 80 is "linked to infertility in mice".
#3) In the package insert for Fluarix, GlaxoSmithKline specifically mentions that they cannot guarantee that their flu vaccine will not damage your fertility: "FLUARIX has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility." Thanks to foolishly passed laws by the U.S. government, you will not be able to sue anyone if it does leave you infertile.
#4) GlaxoSmithKline is not alone in using Polysorbate 80. It is being reported that Novartis is using the adjuvant MF59 in its swine flu vaccine. The MF59 adjuvant contains Tween80 (Polysorbate 80) and squalene among other things.
#5) On the World Intellectual Property Organization, a patent application for a "fertility impairing vaccine". The University of Georgia Research Foundation is listed as the patent applicant.
In the description section of the patent application, Tween 80 (Polysorbate 80) is listed as a preferred ingredient:
"In a preferred embodiment the vaccine comprises oil, preferably a biodegradable oil such as squalene oil, in an amount of about 2.5% to about 15%, preferably about 8% to about 12%. In preparing the vaccine it is advantageous to combine a concentrated oily adjuvant composition with an aqueous solution of the antigen, pZP glycoprotein. Typically, the vaccine is prepared using an adjuvant concentrate which contains lecithin (about 5% to about 15 % wt/vol, preferably about 12% wt/vol) and STDCM (preferably about 25 mg/mL to about 50 mg/mL) in squalene oil. The term % wt/vol means grams per 100 mL of liquid. The aqueous solution containing the isolated pZP glycoprotein is typically a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, and additionally preferably contains Tween 80 (about 0.2% vol/vol to about 0.8% vol/vol, preferably about 0.4% vol/vol)."
#6) The United Nations is actively seeking ways to limit and control population growth around the globe. An incredibly shocking U.N. population division policy brief from March 2009 asked this very disturbing question:
What would it take to accelerate fertility decline in the least developed countries?
You can read this almost unbelievable document here:
The reality is that for the super wealthy global elite and the majority of the social engineers at the United Nations, population control is a major obsession. If you doubt this fact, just read this article:
The truth is that the more people learn about what is in these vaccines, the less likely they are to take them. It is important to do your own research before letting anyone inject anything into your body. Those who blindly trust the government or world health authorities are likely the ones to end up being extremely disappointed in the end.
Is the real Kim Jong-il dead, and his role being played by a double?
North Korea’s ruling party is to hold a conference next week to anoint Kim Jong-un, the twenty something son of the present leader, Kim Jong il, the next head of state. There won’t be any discussion of alternatives; it’s already a forgone conclusion.
Yet the occasion does raise the question of whether the original “Dear Leader” is still alive at all, or whether it is actually his double, acting as a puppet head of the state for the army, who has been sitting in the driving seat all these years.
At the World Economic Forum’s “summer Davos”, held in the Chinese city of Tianjin last week, Toshimitsu Shigemura, a professor at Waseda University in Japan and a self proclaimed “expert” on North Korea, insisted that the present Kim Jong il is in fact a double. There is no question of it, he says, for he has irrefutable proof of the fact.
It’s not just that there has been no recent photograph of the dear leader; computer analysis of his voice shows the present Kim Jong not to be the same man as the one of some years ago. “I’m willing to accept that his son is about to become leader, but who exactly is he succeeding?”, asked Professor Shigemura.
In the same discussion, Moon Chung-In, a professor of political science at Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, dismissed this claim as utter tosh. He’d met Kim Jong il on several occassions, and there was no question but that he was the same man on each of them. However, Professor Chung-il accepted that who ever the leader really was, it was largely academic, since he was in effect only the puppet of the military.
The same would be true of Kim Jong un (oh do keep up!), a bit of a waster by all accounts who has never done a serious job in his life. Could his succession nevertheless mark a thaw in relations with the West and South Korea? Is it even possible that in return for the removal of sanctions he could do a Colonel Gaddafi, come in from the cold and give up on North Korea’s nuclear ambitions?
Don’t hold your breath. Kim Jong il, or his double, has spent quite a bit of time in Beijing recently discussing the succession with his Chinese allies. We can only assume the Chinese leadership has blessed the handover. As I say, it seems unlikely North Korea will change its attitude to the outside world anytime soon, but the fact that there could be a discussion of the type I’ve just reported, held openly on Chinese soil, with the couple of Chinese profs who sat in on it willing to admit that at some stage reunification with South Korea was perfectly possible, just goes to demonstrate how rapidly China is changing, and ulitmately it will be China that determines North Korea’s future.
The G20 is due to meet in South Korea later this year. There’s been some speculation it might provide the occassion for some fresh military muscle flexing by North Korea, just to demonstrate that old hostilities remain alive and well. This seems almost inconceivable. North Korea is not going to launch any kind of military strike almost anywhere let alone on South Korea while Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier and basically the only thing that stands between the Kim Jong dynasty and its obliteration, is dining on sea food with his international counterparts in the south.
I guess the Chinese leadership knows for sure whether Kim Jong is a double, but does it really matter?
Yet the occasion does raise the question of whether the original “Dear Leader” is still alive at all, or whether it is actually his double, acting as a puppet head of the state for the army, who has been sitting in the driving seat all these years.
At the World Economic Forum’s “summer Davos”, held in the Chinese city of Tianjin last week, Toshimitsu Shigemura, a professor at Waseda University in Japan and a self proclaimed “expert” on North Korea, insisted that the present Kim Jong il is in fact a double. There is no question of it, he says, for he has irrefutable proof of the fact.
It’s not just that there has been no recent photograph of the dear leader; computer analysis of his voice shows the present Kim Jong not to be the same man as the one of some years ago. “I’m willing to accept that his son is about to become leader, but who exactly is he succeeding?”, asked Professor Shigemura.
In the same discussion, Moon Chung-In, a professor of political science at Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, dismissed this claim as utter tosh. He’d met Kim Jong il on several occassions, and there was no question but that he was the same man on each of them. However, Professor Chung-il accepted that who ever the leader really was, it was largely academic, since he was in effect only the puppet of the military.
The same would be true of Kim Jong un (oh do keep up!), a bit of a waster by all accounts who has never done a serious job in his life. Could his succession nevertheless mark a thaw in relations with the West and South Korea? Is it even possible that in return for the removal of sanctions he could do a Colonel Gaddafi, come in from the cold and give up on North Korea’s nuclear ambitions?
Don’t hold your breath. Kim Jong il, or his double, has spent quite a bit of time in Beijing recently discussing the succession with his Chinese allies. We can only assume the Chinese leadership has blessed the handover. As I say, it seems unlikely North Korea will change its attitude to the outside world anytime soon, but the fact that there could be a discussion of the type I’ve just reported, held openly on Chinese soil, with the couple of Chinese profs who sat in on it willing to admit that at some stage reunification with South Korea was perfectly possible, just goes to demonstrate how rapidly China is changing, and ulitmately it will be China that determines North Korea’s future.
The G20 is due to meet in South Korea later this year. There’s been some speculation it might provide the occassion for some fresh military muscle flexing by North Korea, just to demonstrate that old hostilities remain alive and well. This seems almost inconceivable. North Korea is not going to launch any kind of military strike almost anywhere let alone on South Korea while Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier and basically the only thing that stands between the Kim Jong dynasty and its obliteration, is dining on sea food with his international counterparts in the south.
I guess the Chinese leadership knows for sure whether Kim Jong is a double, but does it really matter?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Witnesses: Person Falls From Sky, Then Vanishes
'There's no doubt that it was a person. We're 100 percent sure,' witness says
Several people in New Jersey claimed they saw a person falling from the sky with no parachute, but an extensive police search has turned up no evidence, NBC Philadelphia reported.
Witness Kelly Hale and two of her co-workers at Shore Veterinarians in Egg Harbor Township said they watched from their office windows as a human fell head-first from the sky on Tuesday.
But there were no reports of missing skydivers.
"I [saw] the guy falling, at an angle, like this," Hale told NBC Philadelphia while gesturing. "Straight down. No parachute. No paraglider."
Authorities were still investigating the incident, Egg Harbor police told on Thursday.
"We're not actively out there searching, but we're waiting for more information," said police Sgt. Robert Gray. He could not comment on the ongoing investigation.
Several people contacted Egg Harbor Township Police at about 3:20 p.m. Tuesday, saying that they watched a person free-falling from the sky. The witnesses described the person as falling head first, at a slight angle, toward the ground, police said.
"You could see the arms and legs flailing and his clothes were blue, a dark blue like a navy, black and gray," Hale said. "There's no doubt that it was a person. We're 100 percent sure."
The witnesses also told NBC Philadelphia they saw a small plane flying nearby right after they saw the person plunging to the ground.
Egg Harbor Township police and aviation units of the Coast Guard and New Jersey State Police extensively searched the heavily wooded area until about 11 a.m. Wednesday. The search will remain suspended until further information becomes available, police said.
"We didn't see any signs of debris, we didn't see any broken branches of something like, falling through the tree-line," Coast Guard Lt. Commander Paul Whitmore said. "We didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but that's not to say it didn't happen."
Several people in New Jersey claimed they saw a person falling from the sky with no parachute, but an extensive police search has turned up no evidence, NBC Philadelphia reported.
Witness Kelly Hale and two of her co-workers at Shore Veterinarians in Egg Harbor Township said they watched from their office windows as a human fell head-first from the sky on Tuesday.
But there were no reports of missing skydivers.
"I [saw] the guy falling, at an angle, like this," Hale told NBC Philadelphia while gesturing. "Straight down. No parachute. No paraglider."
Authorities were still investigating the incident, Egg Harbor police told on Thursday.
"We're not actively out there searching, but we're waiting for more information," said police Sgt. Robert Gray. He could not comment on the ongoing investigation.
Several people contacted Egg Harbor Township Police at about 3:20 p.m. Tuesday, saying that they watched a person free-falling from the sky. The witnesses described the person as falling head first, at a slight angle, toward the ground, police said.
"You could see the arms and legs flailing and his clothes were blue, a dark blue like a navy, black and gray," Hale said. "There's no doubt that it was a person. We're 100 percent sure."
The witnesses also told NBC Philadelphia they saw a small plane flying nearby right after they saw the person plunging to the ground.
Egg Harbor Township police and aviation units of the Coast Guard and New Jersey State Police extensively searched the heavily wooded area until about 11 a.m. Wednesday. The search will remain suspended until further information becomes available, police said.
"We didn't see any signs of debris, we didn't see any broken branches of something like, falling through the tree-line," Coast Guard Lt. Commander Paul Whitmore said. "We didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but that's not to say it didn't happen."
Hale, for one, is convinced of what she saw. "They need to find him," she said. "I mean, there's somebody lying back there."
Monday, September 20, 2010
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by Unidentified Aerial Objects
Witness testimony from more than 120 former or retired military personnel points to an ongoing and alarming intervention by unidentified aerial objects at nuclear weapons sites, as recently as 2003. In some cases, several nuclear missiles simultaneously and inexplicably malfunctioned while a disc-shaped object silently hovered nearby. Six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will break their silence about these events at the National Press Club and urge the government to publicly confirm their reality.
One of them, ICBM launch officer Captain Robert Salas, was on duty during one missile disruption incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base and was ordered to never discuss it. Another participant, retired Col. Charles Halt, observed a disc-shaped object directing beams of light down into the RAF Bentwaters airbase in England and heard on the radio that they landed in the nuclear weapons storage area. Both men will provide stunning details about these events, and reveal how the U.S. military responded.
Captain Salas notes, "The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it." Col. Halt adds, "I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted—both then and now—to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practiced methods of disinformation."
The group of witnesses and a leading researcher, who has brought them together for the first time, will discuss the national security implications of these and other alarmingly similar incidents and will urge the government to reveal all information about them. This is a public-awareness issue.
Declassified U.S. government documents, to be distributed at the event, now substantiate the reality of UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites extending back to 1948. The press conference will also address present-day concerns about the abuse of government secrecy as well as the ongoing threat of nuclear weapons.
One of them, ICBM launch officer Captain Robert Salas, was on duty during one missile disruption incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base and was ordered to never discuss it. Another participant, retired Col. Charles Halt, observed a disc-shaped object directing beams of light down into the RAF Bentwaters airbase in England and heard on the radio that they landed in the nuclear weapons storage area. Both men will provide stunning details about these events, and reveal how the U.S. military responded.
Captain Salas notes, "The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it." Col. Halt adds, "I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted—both then and now—to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practiced methods of disinformation."
The group of witnesses and a leading researcher, who has brought them together for the first time, will discuss the national security implications of these and other alarmingly similar incidents and will urge the government to reveal all information about them. This is a public-awareness issue.
Declassified U.S. government documents, to be distributed at the event, now substantiate the reality of UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites extending back to 1948. The press conference will also address present-day concerns about the abuse of government secrecy as well as the ongoing threat of nuclear weapons.
Millions to Get Secret Swine Flu Vaccination
MILLIONS of people will be given a secret swine flu jab by health bosses this winter.
The H1N1 vaccine will be mixed into the regular flu jab for OAPs, pregnant women and others at high risk.
While millions refused to take the jab during last winter's pandemic, this time they will have no choice if they want to be protected against normal flu.
The Government was left with more than 30million swine flu vaccines after the pandemic fizzled out in 2010.
Some types of swine flu vaccinations are suspected of being linked to an increase in the rare condition narcolepsy, which causes sufferers to suddenly fall asleep at random times.
In Finland, one brand - Pandemrix, produced by GlaxoSmithKline - was banned, and officials in Sweden have started a Europe-wide investigation into it.
An NHS spokesman said that while the pandemic of the H1N1 swine flu virus was over, the disease was still a threat.
The Department of Health said the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority, which monitors vaccines, had given the H1N1 jab the all-clear after fears in Europe over the narcolepsy outbreak.
She added: "By March this year, that particular H1N1 vaccine had been given out 5.5million times and there have been no reported cases of narcolepsy in Britain."
The H1N1 vaccine will be mixed into the regular flu jab for OAPs, pregnant women and others at high risk.
While millions refused to take the jab during last winter's pandemic, this time they will have no choice if they want to be protected against normal flu.
The Government was left with more than 30million swine flu vaccines after the pandemic fizzled out in 2010.
Some types of swine flu vaccinations are suspected of being linked to an increase in the rare condition narcolepsy, which causes sufferers to suddenly fall asleep at random times.
In Finland, one brand - Pandemrix, produced by GlaxoSmithKline - was banned, and officials in Sweden have started a Europe-wide investigation into it.
An NHS spokesman said that while the pandemic of the H1N1 swine flu virus was over, the disease was still a threat.
The Department of Health said the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority, which monitors vaccines, had given the H1N1 jab the all-clear after fears in Europe over the narcolepsy outbreak.
She added: "By March this year, that particular H1N1 vaccine had been given out 5.5million times and there have been no reported cases of narcolepsy in Britain."
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sealand Skull Photos Released
An alien survivor from a prehistoric saucer crash? An unfortunate time traveler from the future? A tradesman from a parallel universe? A hitherto undiscovered species? Or a mere freak deformity of a human being? Nobody knows for sure, but no matter the explanation, the Sealand Skull has potential to change the view of the world we live in.
The July 2007 discovery of the skull in Olstykke on the Danish island Sealand did however not make headlines and remained largely ignored by science until 2010. The researchers who in 2008 examined the skull at the Veterinarian High School in Copenhagen merely concluded that “Although resembling a mammal, certain features make it impossible to fit the animal into Linnaean taxonomy”.
Dug up during the replacement of old sewer pipes, the finder at first believed that it was some horse bone, as the house formerly belonged to a horse butcher, and the garden is full of remains. It was not until refilling the trench that he noticed its humanoid shape. Later excavations at the site have not uncovered further remains with connection to the creature, only identifiable animal bones, stone axes and other Neolithic tools which are common to the area. The fact that the skull was found among Neolithic remains does however, not reveal its age. Carbon 14 dating at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen has shown that the creature lived between 1200 and 1280 AD. Furthermore, the skull was found above the old pipes, whose age suggests that it wasn’t buried until after 1900. Also the absence of other skeleton parts of the creature, together with the skull’s state of preservation, has led the scientists to suspect that it has not been buried for long, probably only a couple of decades.
Perhaps to conceal the secret behind its existence someone stored it for ages and later deliberately buried it. It is interesting to note that residents in Olstykke and nearby villages have from former times told about a local member of l’Ordre Lux Pégasos (the Order of Pegasus’ Light), whom accordingly on behalf of the order protected various items – among them a mysterious cranium and several devices made of extraordinary light, albeit unbreakable metal or ceramics. The skull is said to have originated from the Balkans, but it has also been stored in Paris, France, and in Munich, Germany, before arriving in Denmark.
If the story holds true, it is possible that further research may lead to the whereabouts of alien artefacts. It is plausible that l’Ordre Lux Pégasos still keeps objects as well as insights into their origin and purpose. Little is known about the order however, except that it was established around 1350 and throughout its existence has counted influential poets and authors among its members. Among the prominent initiated were Giovanni Boccaccio, William Shakespeare, Réne Descartes, Thomas Jefferson, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Ambrose Bierce, Karin Boye, H.G. Wells, Julio Cortázar, Joseph Heller, Octavia Butler, Aleksandr Solsjenitsyn and Ahmed al-Baghdadi. One can wonder why the task of preserving alien artefacts and knowledge fell upon an order solely consisting of writers, but the very name of the order does hint at one or more guests from the Pegasus constellation, who for some time lived among us and brought us vast knowledges and inspiration. The secrecy of the order however suggests that humanity is not yet ready to share the Pegasian knowledge.
The Sealand Skull is about one and a half times larger than a male Homo sapiens cranium. Especially the eye sockets contribute to its size. Its smooth surface reveals that the creature was adapted to cold climate, and its relative eye size that it was either a night creature, lived underground or on a planet orbiting a remote or dim star, probably an orange or red dwarf. It is noted that the star 51 Pegasi in the Pegasus constellation was the first Sun-like star known to have a planet. Planets orbiting the Pegasus star HR 8799 were the first to be directly imaged, and spectroscopic analysis of HD 209458 b, another planet in the constellation, has provided the first evidence of atmospheric water vapor beyond our solar system.
Article Credit
Anton Spangenberg
The July 2007 discovery of the skull in Olstykke on the Danish island Sealand did however not make headlines and remained largely ignored by science until 2010. The researchers who in 2008 examined the skull at the Veterinarian High School in Copenhagen merely concluded that “Although resembling a mammal, certain features make it impossible to fit the animal into Linnaean taxonomy”.
Dug up during the replacement of old sewer pipes, the finder at first believed that it was some horse bone, as the house formerly belonged to a horse butcher, and the garden is full of remains. It was not until refilling the trench that he noticed its humanoid shape. Later excavations at the site have not uncovered further remains with connection to the creature, only identifiable animal bones, stone axes and other Neolithic tools which are common to the area. The fact that the skull was found among Neolithic remains does however, not reveal its age. Carbon 14 dating at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen has shown that the creature lived between 1200 and 1280 AD. Furthermore, the skull was found above the old pipes, whose age suggests that it wasn’t buried until after 1900. Also the absence of other skeleton parts of the creature, together with the skull’s state of preservation, has led the scientists to suspect that it has not been buried for long, probably only a couple of decades.
Perhaps to conceal the secret behind its existence someone stored it for ages and later deliberately buried it. It is interesting to note that residents in Olstykke and nearby villages have from former times told about a local member of l’Ordre Lux Pégasos (the Order of Pegasus’ Light), whom accordingly on behalf of the order protected various items – among them a mysterious cranium and several devices made of extraordinary light, albeit unbreakable metal or ceramics. The skull is said to have originated from the Balkans, but it has also been stored in Paris, France, and in Munich, Germany, before arriving in Denmark.
If the story holds true, it is possible that further research may lead to the whereabouts of alien artefacts. It is plausible that l’Ordre Lux Pégasos still keeps objects as well as insights into their origin and purpose. Little is known about the order however, except that it was established around 1350 and throughout its existence has counted influential poets and authors among its members. Among the prominent initiated were Giovanni Boccaccio, William Shakespeare, Réne Descartes, Thomas Jefferson, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Ambrose Bierce, Karin Boye, H.G. Wells, Julio Cortázar, Joseph Heller, Octavia Butler, Aleksandr Solsjenitsyn and Ahmed al-Baghdadi. One can wonder why the task of preserving alien artefacts and knowledge fell upon an order solely consisting of writers, but the very name of the order does hint at one or more guests from the Pegasus constellation, who for some time lived among us and brought us vast knowledges and inspiration. The secrecy of the order however suggests that humanity is not yet ready to share the Pegasian knowledge.
The Sealand Skull is about one and a half times larger than a male Homo sapiens cranium. Especially the eye sockets contribute to its size. Its smooth surface reveals that the creature was adapted to cold climate, and its relative eye size that it was either a night creature, lived underground or on a planet orbiting a remote or dim star, probably an orange or red dwarf. It is noted that the star 51 Pegasi in the Pegasus constellation was the first Sun-like star known to have a planet. Planets orbiting the Pegasus star HR 8799 were the first to be directly imaged, and spectroscopic analysis of HD 209458 b, another planet in the constellation, has provided the first evidence of atmospheric water vapor beyond our solar system.
Article Credit
Anton Spangenberg
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Intrigue After Couple Capture UFO On Film
A FORRES couple have been sitting at their window looking into space and wondering, ever since they spotted an unidentified bright light in the skies above Forres.
And after speaking publicly about the UFO mystery, they received an alarming phone call warning them off speaking about the incident.
Don and Pat MacArthur were at home at 2 Nelson Road, watching the TV on Friday, September 3, shortly after 8.45pm when they both spotted a strange light in the skies above the town.
"We both spotted a bright light at the living-room window above the trees on the other side of the road," said Don, who works for Moray Council's lands and park crew. "I thought it was a helicopter searchlight, and was waiting for the aircraft, but it wasn't that.
"My wife just ran to the window to see closer," he added. "I knew it wasn't a helicopter and I ran into the other room to get my cine camera."
The couple's living room window looks out over the houses on the opposite side of the road, and they both spotted the object above the chimney pots and tops of trees coming from the rough direction of Forres High Street.
"I don't know what it was, but I managed to capture a few seconds of it on camera," said Mr MacArthur. "I ran out the door in my socks and zoomed in full to try and get a better picture."
The images show a bright, pink, largish, diamond-like object in the sky and then just disappearing. Moments later, a black object appears in the corner of the screen, appearing to come from roughly the same direction, but much higher in the sky with a small trailing light at the top of the screen.
Then a black object appears, falling slowly towards the earth, before disappearing from sight by the chimney pots.
Mr MacArthur said he has shown the film to several people and no one can explain what it is, or has ever seen anything like it before.
He dismissed the idea that it could be a burning chinese lantern - which are available for sale locally - due to the height, shape and colour of the object and the way he claims it moves, having compared it against other pictures of the lanterns, which are lit and released into the sky, before they just gradually burn out.
"If it was a lantern, then why didn't my camera show it burning out," he said. "I had it pointed there and it just disappeared. In my opinion it was something moving away extremely quickly."
Mr MacArthur claims that the far right of the pink diamond light has a white light, which indicates something moving at speed while the left hand side has a sort of glow, as if the article has come from that direction. He also claims that there is a sort of vapour trail in the third sequence, as if the object is smoking or spilling fuel.
Mrs MacArthur, who works part-time for Moray Estates, said when the light appeared at first that she thought it was a firework, but it never exploded and then moved sideways.
There was very little wind on Friday night, and no reports of any flares, or fireworks.
Spokesman for the Findhorn Marina and Moray Inshore Rescue Organisation, Simon Paterson said that if someone had released a flare, he didn't know about it.
He said a flare was quite distinctive, and usually red, green or white in colour and roughly circular shaped, and could remain in the sky for about a minute, being designed to burn out before descending. He added that there might be a parachute attachment which could drop afterwards.
He said that flares were sometimes released above the bomb dump area at RAF Kinloss, but agreed that it was quite late on a Friday night.
A spokesman for RAF Kinloss said that there were no flares or anything else released on that Friday night, and no reports of anything unusual or any aircraft activity above the town at the time.
The mystery deepened further when Mr MacArthur received a phone call, with a recorded message telling him that to tell people he had seen a UFO would harm his bed and breakfast business.
"I was really surprised," he said. "It was a recorded message - a woman's voice - telling me to press various keys for further information."
The call came just hours after he had spoken to 'The Forres Gazette' about his experiences.
"My son knows someone who filmed something which he thought was a UFO," he said. "They came and took his camera and kit away from him. It makes you wonder."
And after speaking publicly about the UFO mystery, they received an alarming phone call warning them off speaking about the incident.
Don and Pat MacArthur were at home at 2 Nelson Road, watching the TV on Friday, September 3, shortly after 8.45pm when they both spotted a strange light in the skies above the town.
"We both spotted a bright light at the living-room window above the trees on the other side of the road," said Don, who works for Moray Council's lands and park crew. "I thought it was a helicopter searchlight, and was waiting for the aircraft, but it wasn't that.
"My wife just ran to the window to see closer," he added. "I knew it wasn't a helicopter and I ran into the other room to get my cine camera."

"I don't know what it was, but I managed to capture a few seconds of it on camera," said Mr MacArthur. "I ran out the door in my socks and zoomed in full to try and get a better picture."
The images show a bright, pink, largish, diamond-like object in the sky and then just disappearing. Moments later, a black object appears in the corner of the screen, appearing to come from roughly the same direction, but much higher in the sky with a small trailing light at the top of the screen.
Then a black object appears, falling slowly towards the earth, before disappearing from sight by the chimney pots.
Mr MacArthur said he has shown the film to several people and no one can explain what it is, or has ever seen anything like it before.
He dismissed the idea that it could be a burning chinese lantern - which are available for sale locally - due to the height, shape and colour of the object and the way he claims it moves, having compared it against other pictures of the lanterns, which are lit and released into the sky, before they just gradually burn out.
"If it was a lantern, then why didn't my camera show it burning out," he said. "I had it pointed there and it just disappeared. In my opinion it was something moving away extremely quickly."
Mr MacArthur claims that the far right of the pink diamond light has a white light, which indicates something moving at speed while the left hand side has a sort of glow, as if the article has come from that direction. He also claims that there is a sort of vapour trail in the third sequence, as if the object is smoking or spilling fuel.
Mrs MacArthur, who works part-time for Moray Estates, said when the light appeared at first that she thought it was a firework, but it never exploded and then moved sideways.
There was very little wind on Friday night, and no reports of any flares, or fireworks.
Spokesman for the Findhorn Marina and Moray Inshore Rescue Organisation, Simon Paterson said that if someone had released a flare, he didn't know about it.
He said a flare was quite distinctive, and usually red, green or white in colour and roughly circular shaped, and could remain in the sky for about a minute, being designed to burn out before descending. He added that there might be a parachute attachment which could drop afterwards.
He said that flares were sometimes released above the bomb dump area at RAF Kinloss, but agreed that it was quite late on a Friday night.
A spokesman for RAF Kinloss said that there were no flares or anything else released on that Friday night, and no reports of anything unusual or any aircraft activity above the town at the time.
The mystery deepened further when Mr MacArthur received a phone call, with a recorded message telling him that to tell people he had seen a UFO would harm his bed and breakfast business.
"I was really surprised," he said. "It was a recorded message - a woman's voice - telling me to press various keys for further information."
The call came just hours after he had spoken to 'The Forres Gazette' about his experiences.
"My son knows someone who filmed something which he thought was a UFO," he said. "They came and took his camera and kit away from him. It makes you wonder."
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Retired NORAD Officer's New Book Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display on October 13, 2010
A newly-published book by a retired NORAD officer predicts October 13, 2010 as the tentative date for a fleet of extraterrestrial vehicles to hover for hours over the earth's principal cities. Author says the event to be the first in a series intended to avert a planetary catastrophe resulting from increasing levels of carbon-dioxide in the earth's atmosphere dangerously approaching a "critical mass."
A newly-published 352-page book by a retired Air Force officer, Stanley A. Fulham, tentatively predicts October 13, 2010 as the date for a massive UFO display over the world’s principal cities. According to the author, the aliens will neither land nor communicate on that date; they are aware from eons of experience with other planets in similar conditions their sudden intervention would cause fear and panic.
The book, Challenges of Change (3rd ed.), reports this event will be the initial interaction in a process leading to mankind’s acceptance of the alien reality and technologies for the removal of poisonous gases from the earth’s atmosphere in 2015, if not sooner.
The author draws upon his military experience with the UFO phenomenon dating back to WW2, and later, with NORAD and his subsequent life-long association with a senior NORAD intelligence officer who provided him a wealth of historical data relating to NORAD’s experience with the UFO/alien reality which has never been revealed to the public. In the military's view, as conveyed to and understood by Fulham, the public is not yet ready to accept an alien reality.
Fulham writes it is generally recognized UFOs function beyond our earth's physical laws, and has concluded answers to questions regarding who they are, where are they from, why are they here, are they a threat, and the mystery of abductions could only be found at a higher dimension of reality.
For more than a decade, through the services of a world renowned channeler, the author has communicated with an ethereal group of entities known as the Transcendors -- 43,000 very old souls who combine their vast experience and knowledge through eons of incarnations, providing advice and information to humans in search of basic realities of mankind’s existence.
The book Challenges of Change reports on the author’s years of communication with the Transcendors in a question and answer format intended to inform and challenge. The Transcendors reveal through the author crucial information about urgent global challenges facing mankind such as earth changes, international terrorism, worldwide financial collapse and the environmental crisis. One revelation is al Qaeda has a dirty nuclear bomb and WMD, but faces a moral quandary over “containment of collateral damages.”
Utilizing the theme of the Four Horsemen as symbolic metaphor, Fulham warns mankind will survive all of these future challenges, except the CO2 pollution of our atmosphere. According to information provided to the author by the Transcendors, the build-up of CO2 pollution is rising 1% annually to a “critical mass” of 22% in which mankind could not survive ”without outside intervention.”
According to Fulham, the Transcendors state they have borne witness to countless thousands of alien civilizations who polluted their planets to total extinction where not a single being, animal or plant survived. They urgently warn planet earth is presently on the same self-destructive path. Fulham reports the aliens are well aware of our environmental crisis, and have benevolently decided to rescue mankind in this vast universal drama.
Fulham has been in contact with a distinguished foreign ambassador who read the book with great interest and dispatched it to his home government, where it was translated and studied by hundreds of their top government officials.
A website containing videos of the author discussing his research conclusions and other vital information has been created at:
Fulham clarifies there are no absolutes; the principal of free will and choice that exits with all souls precludes all absolute realities, and the aliens may decide to postpone their intervention -- but the Transcendors confirm it will nonetheless occur in 2010. Quoting the author, the event will "occur this year, in what will surely be one of the great dramas of our galaxy, the introduction of their alien civilizations and technologies to mankind. We are not alone, and our world will have changed forever."
A newly-published 352-page book by a retired Air Force officer, Stanley A. Fulham, tentatively predicts October 13, 2010 as the date for a massive UFO display over the world’s principal cities. According to the author, the aliens will neither land nor communicate on that date; they are aware from eons of experience with other planets in similar conditions their sudden intervention would cause fear and panic.
The book, Challenges of Change (3rd ed.), reports this event will be the initial interaction in a process leading to mankind’s acceptance of the alien reality and technologies for the removal of poisonous gases from the earth’s atmosphere in 2015, if not sooner.
The author draws upon his military experience with the UFO phenomenon dating back to WW2, and later, with NORAD and his subsequent life-long association with a senior NORAD intelligence officer who provided him a wealth of historical data relating to NORAD’s experience with the UFO/alien reality which has never been revealed to the public. In the military's view, as conveyed to and understood by Fulham, the public is not yet ready to accept an alien reality.
Fulham writes it is generally recognized UFOs function beyond our earth's physical laws, and has concluded answers to questions regarding who they are, where are they from, why are they here, are they a threat, and the mystery of abductions could only be found at a higher dimension of reality.
For more than a decade, through the services of a world renowned channeler, the author has communicated with an ethereal group of entities known as the Transcendors -- 43,000 very old souls who combine their vast experience and knowledge through eons of incarnations, providing advice and information to humans in search of basic realities of mankind’s existence.
The book Challenges of Change reports on the author’s years of communication with the Transcendors in a question and answer format intended to inform and challenge. The Transcendors reveal through the author crucial information about urgent global challenges facing mankind such as earth changes, international terrorism, worldwide financial collapse and the environmental crisis. One revelation is al Qaeda has a dirty nuclear bomb and WMD, but faces a moral quandary over “containment of collateral damages.”
Utilizing the theme of the Four Horsemen as symbolic metaphor, Fulham warns mankind will survive all of these future challenges, except the CO2 pollution of our atmosphere. According to information provided to the author by the Transcendors, the build-up of CO2 pollution is rising 1% annually to a “critical mass” of 22% in which mankind could not survive ”without outside intervention.”
According to Fulham, the Transcendors state they have borne witness to countless thousands of alien civilizations who polluted their planets to total extinction where not a single being, animal or plant survived. They urgently warn planet earth is presently on the same self-destructive path. Fulham reports the aliens are well aware of our environmental crisis, and have benevolently decided to rescue mankind in this vast universal drama.
Fulham has been in contact with a distinguished foreign ambassador who read the book with great interest and dispatched it to his home government, where it was translated and studied by hundreds of their top government officials.
A website containing videos of the author discussing his research conclusions and other vital information has been created at:
Fulham clarifies there are no absolutes; the principal of free will and choice that exits with all souls precludes all absolute realities, and the aliens may decide to postpone their intervention -- but the Transcendors confirm it will nonetheless occur in 2010. Quoting the author, the event will "occur this year, in what will surely be one of the great dramas of our galaxy, the introduction of their alien civilizations and technologies to mankind. We are not alone, and our world will have changed forever."
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Mysterious force holds back Nasa probe in deep space
A SPACE probe launched 30 years ago has come under the influence of a force that has baffled scientists and could rewrite the laws of physics.
Researchers say Pioneer 10, which took the first close-up pictures of Jupiter before leaving our solar system in 1983, is being pulled back to the sun by an unknown force. The effect shows no sign of getting weaker as the spacecraft travels deeper into space, and scientists are considering the possibility that the probe has revealed a new force of nature.
Dr Philip Laing, a member of the research team tracking the craft, said: "We have examined every mechanism and theory we can think of and so far nothing works.
"If the effect is real, it will have a big impact on cosmology and spacecraft navigation," said Dr Laing, of the Aerospace Corporation of California.
Pioneer 10 was launched by Nasa on March 2 1972, and with Pioneer 11, its twin, revolutionised astronomy with detailed images of Jupiter and Saturn. In June 1983, Pioneer 10 passed Pluto, the most distant planet in our solar system.
Both probes are now travelling at 27,000mph towards stars that they will encounter several million years from now. Scientists are continuing to monitor signals from Pioneer 10, which is more than seven billion miles from Earth.
Research to be published shortly in The Physical Review, a leading physics journal, will show that the speed of the two probes is being changed by about 6 mph per century - a barely-perceptible effect about 10 billion times weaker than gravity.
Scientists initially suspected that gas escaping from tiny rocket motors aboard the probes, or heat leaking from their nuclear power plants might be responsible. Both have now been ruled out. The team says no current theories explain why the force stays constant: all the most plausible forces, from gravity to the effect of solar radiation, decrease rapidly with distance.
The bizarre behaviour has also eliminated the possibility that the two probes are being affected by the gravitational pull of unknown planets beyond the solar system.
Assertions by some scientists that the force is due to a quirk in the Pioneer probes have also been discounted by the discovery that the effect seems to be affecting Galileo and Ulysses, two other space probes still in the solar system. Data from these two probes suggests the force is of the same strength as that found for the Pioneers.
Dr Duncan Steel, a space scientist at Salford University, says even such a weak force could have huge effects on a cosmic scale. "It might alter the number of comets that come towards us over millions of years, which would have consequences for life on Earth. It also raises the question of whether we know enough about the law of gravity."
Until 1988, Pioneer 10 was the most remote object made by man - a distinction now held by Voyager 1. Should Pioneer 10 make contact with alien life, it carries a gold-plated aluminium plaque on which the figures of a man and woman are shown to scale, along with a map showing its origin that Nasa calls "the cosmic equivalent of a message in a bottle".
Researchers say Pioneer 10, which took the first close-up pictures of Jupiter before leaving our solar system in 1983, is being pulled back to the sun by an unknown force. The effect shows no sign of getting weaker as the spacecraft travels deeper into space, and scientists are considering the possibility that the probe has revealed a new force of nature.
Dr Philip Laing, a member of the research team tracking the craft, said: "We have examined every mechanism and theory we can think of and so far nothing works.
"If the effect is real, it will have a big impact on cosmology and spacecraft navigation," said Dr Laing, of the Aerospace Corporation of California.
Pioneer 10 was launched by Nasa on March 2 1972, and with Pioneer 11, its twin, revolutionised astronomy with detailed images of Jupiter and Saturn. In June 1983, Pioneer 10 passed Pluto, the most distant planet in our solar system.
Both probes are now travelling at 27,000mph towards stars that they will encounter several million years from now. Scientists are continuing to monitor signals from Pioneer 10, which is more than seven billion miles from Earth.
Research to be published shortly in The Physical Review, a leading physics journal, will show that the speed of the two probes is being changed by about 6 mph per century - a barely-perceptible effect about 10 billion times weaker than gravity.
Scientists initially suspected that gas escaping from tiny rocket motors aboard the probes, or heat leaking from their nuclear power plants might be responsible. Both have now been ruled out. The team says no current theories explain why the force stays constant: all the most plausible forces, from gravity to the effect of solar radiation, decrease rapidly with distance.
The bizarre behaviour has also eliminated the possibility that the two probes are being affected by the gravitational pull of unknown planets beyond the solar system.
Assertions by some scientists that the force is due to a quirk in the Pioneer probes have also been discounted by the discovery that the effect seems to be affecting Galileo and Ulysses, two other space probes still in the solar system. Data from these two probes suggests the force is of the same strength as that found for the Pioneers.
Dr Duncan Steel, a space scientist at Salford University, says even such a weak force could have huge effects on a cosmic scale. "It might alter the number of comets that come towards us over millions of years, which would have consequences for life on Earth. It also raises the question of whether we know enough about the law of gravity."
Until 1988, Pioneer 10 was the most remote object made by man - a distinction now held by Voyager 1. Should Pioneer 10 make contact with alien life, it carries a gold-plated aluminium plaque on which the figures of a man and woman are shown to scale, along with a map showing its origin that Nasa calls "the cosmic equivalent of a message in a bottle".
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Rotating disc-shaped UFO was seen and photographed over Hong Kong 9-Sep-2010
Latest UFO sightings - This UFO photo of unknown rotating object passing over the sky in Tai Lam, Hong Kong was taken on Thursday, 9th September 2010 around 0:30 am.
Monday, September 13, 2010
The New Terrorist Threat To America: Drunk British Teenagers Brandishing Insults
College student banned from US for life for name calling email to White House
America faces a new threat possibly so severe that it has prompted President Obama and the FBI to take affirmative preventative action.
No, it does not come in the form of radical religious extremist terrorists or international criminal enterprises, but rather it consists of drunken seventeen year old boys sending naughty emails to the White House.
As reported by Sky News, British teenager Luke Angel has been banned from the US for life after he sent an email insulting the President by calling him a nasty name.
The young man had reportedly just finished watching a programme on TV about the 9/11 attacks and, after a couple of beers, felt the need to vent spleen by telling Obama that he thought the commander in chief was a “p***k”.
Take 30 seconds to work out what that insult actually is.
That’s correct it’s a euphemism for male genitalia – and a mild one at that.
Nevertheless, the email was intercepted by the FBI no less, who proceeded to contact the London Metropolitan Police in the UK, who then sent officers to visit young Mr Angel’s home in Bedford.
The police took a photograph of Angel, no doubt to be stored on a vital database of dangerous terrorists, but did not take any criminal action.
When asked about the ban, Luke said: “I don’t really care. My parents aren’t very happy about it.”
“I don’t remember exactly what I wrote as I was drunk. But I think I called Barack Obama a p***k. It was silly — the sort of thing you do when you’re a teenager and have had a few.” college student Angel added.
Here we have another example of a situation being hyped beyond all rational sense in an effort to convey the idea that if you dislike or speak out against authority you will be treated as a criminal.
Obama reportedly receives scores of death threats everyday, why in God’s name would the FBI be taking the time to follow up a mildly abusive email from a drunken teenager in England?
Wide open borders? violent international drug cartels? Known terrorists without passports being helped onto planes by the U.S. State Department? Clearly these issues pale in comparison to that of the insult brandishing email wielding teens sitting in their English suburban bedrooms.
September 11: planes that hit WTC were not Boeing 767s
The official report by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) relating to the two planes that crashed into WTC on September 11, 2001 shows that they were traveling at a speed of 945 km/h and 796 km/h respectively.
Pilots for 9/11 Truth, an international organization of pilots and aviation professionals, has pointed out that, according to the manufacturer, the Boeing 767 develops structural failure and dismembers at a speed surpassing 660 km/h when flying at near sea level in thick air. This has also been certified by a former senior NASA executive, Dwain Deets.
It necessarily follows that the aircraft that slammed into the World Trade Center could not have been the planes corresponding to commercial flights United 175 and American 11.
In his book 9/11: The Big Lie
, Thierry Meyssan had entertained the possibility that the two aircraft had actually been substituted by military planes according to the procedure contemplated in Operation Northwoods (p. 168).
The NTSB report, which was declassified at the request of Pilots for 9/11 Truth, had already revealed that the cockpit door of flight American 77 had remained locked from the time of take-off until it disappeared from radar screens and allegedly crashed at the Pentagon site. The logical conclusion is that it would have been materially impossible to highjack the flight.
Pilots for 9/11 Truth, an international organization of pilots and aviation professionals, has pointed out that, according to the manufacturer, the Boeing 767 develops structural failure and dismembers at a speed surpassing 660 km/h when flying at near sea level in thick air. This has also been certified by a former senior NASA executive, Dwain Deets.
It necessarily follows that the aircraft that slammed into the World Trade Center could not have been the planes corresponding to commercial flights United 175 and American 11.
In his book 9/11: The Big Lie
The NTSB report, which was declassified at the request of Pilots for 9/11 Truth, had already revealed that the cockpit door of flight American 77 had remained locked from the time of take-off until it disappeared from radar screens and allegedly crashed at the Pentagon site. The logical conclusion is that it would have been materially impossible to highjack the flight.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Did Lady Gaga Have Rival Murdered?
Lina Morgana collaborated with Stephani Germanotta [Lady Gaga] during 2007 until falling ten stories to her death in New York October 6, 2008 at age 19.
This wasn't a secret, though the media is broadcasting it now since the girl's Russian immigrant mother has come out saying, "Lady Gaga is holding Lina's soul, and I want her soul to be free."
Anyone versed in the satanic rituals of the music industry knows that super-stardom is reserved for those who take part in the murder of a lover, parent, or sibling. Lina 'Morgana' (a witch name) was on the verge of her own music career taking off. Lots of images and her music is available on youtube, so her mother's claim that Gaga took her blond look, makeup, stage act, and several songs when she was still just Stephani Germanotta holds up.
Lina's professionally shot portfolio shows she was corrupt as hell anyway. It was just a case of which witch would be Satan's favorite. Her association with Gaga was during Stephani's 'experimental' phase -- lots of orgies and drugs. Stephani became Gaga and her career took off one month after Morgana's death.
When I compared Morgana's recording "Wonderland" with Gaga's "Wunderland" the rip off is obvious.
Lina Morgana - (Listen)
Gaga - (Listen)
This was a ritual sacrifice to make a superstar. That's not new - it's been standard in Hollywood since the days of Fatty Arbuckle and Rudolf Valentino. The difference here is the flaunting of it. They've been schooling the public for decades that they're Satanists, and their job is getting the stupid fans to imitate and emulate their beliefs and behavior.
Part Two:
Morgana took the plunge on Oct 4 (some articles say 6) which is between Autumnal Equinox and Samhain, in the month of Beltane.
Stefani embarked on her first tour as Lady Gaga October 9, 2008.
In the opening of the Paparazzi video, she is picked up by a man and thrown off a balcony, falls with a spiral spinning background 'derivative' of Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo, and goes 'splat' on the concrete below.
This video also features many shots of dead models, and the finale is when she gives the man poison champagne, calls 911 and says, "I killed my boyfriend" , smiling.
This is a magnum opus of the music industry. I think they may be about to close down shop on the age of entertainment. My hunch is that we're going to see the time Frank Zappa predicted:
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre."
Not yet. Gaga is still planning her necrophiliac tour next year with the real corpses on stage...
after that, predictions are a 'gray area'. And that would be the big 2012 year they've been jerking everybody off about. I've heard it said somewhere that Obama is 'the last President'. Gaga may be the last American Idol.
They're pulling the plug on everything, striking the circus tents, and wrapping up the world as we knew it.
Part Three:
Bottom line is the Whore of Babylon role in our society serves to shapeshift behavior and life goals of children from toddler through teens. Having achieved their goal of scrambling social norms to the point where girls are turning to women at an early age, the Babylon is shapeshifting from the Temple prostitute of Ishtar archtype (Madonna) into Lilith (Gaga).
Death is all around Gaga and it's going to get much worse. Just wait till 2011's tour with the Faces of Death.. uh......I mean Body Worlds live show of real corpses (the bodies are Chinese political prisoners and slave laborers obtained from the Chinese government).
The lyrics of the song Lina performs in the video is contested. Gaga's lawyers and the Illuminati media say she wrote Lina's songs and let her sing them to make demo videos,. Lina's mother claims Lina wrote them and Gaga stripped LIna's lyrics and stage persona like flock of vultures.
As for the authorship of the lyrics of that song, Lina's mother claims Gaga and her then-music trainer/handler.
Katy Perry, another pop star, provoked Gaga's fans by saying,"Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke."
All this is fun but here's the simple deal. Babylon is raising the bar on moral decline and reverse ethics. She will do high profile horrors that would get anybody else in prison, but she'll magically be rewarded by media and courts. People like Perry will issue sound bytes of protest at her breaking taboos, and instead of coming to their senses her fans will rabidly defend and rationalize her behavior and actions.
A Polish psychology researcher who survived the Soviet occupation of Poland under the Nazis and Russians termed the process 'ponerization'. Psychopaths are put on top which becomes the role model for the rest of the society from the top down.
This wasn't a secret, though the media is broadcasting it now since the girl's Russian immigrant mother has come out saying, "Lady Gaga is holding Lina's soul, and I want her soul to be free."
Anyone versed in the satanic rituals of the music industry knows that super-stardom is reserved for those who take part in the murder of a lover, parent, or sibling. Lina 'Morgana' (a witch name) was on the verge of her own music career taking off. Lots of images and her music is available on youtube, so her mother's claim that Gaga took her blond look, makeup, stage act, and several songs when she was still just Stephani Germanotta holds up.
Lina's professionally shot portfolio shows she was corrupt as hell anyway. It was just a case of which witch would be Satan's favorite. Her association with Gaga was during Stephani's 'experimental' phase -- lots of orgies and drugs. Stephani became Gaga and her career took off one month after Morgana's death.
When I compared Morgana's recording "Wonderland" with Gaga's "Wunderland" the rip off is obvious.
Lina Morgana - (Listen)
Gaga - (Listen)
This was a ritual sacrifice to make a superstar. That's not new - it's been standard in Hollywood since the days of Fatty Arbuckle and Rudolf Valentino. The difference here is the flaunting of it. They've been schooling the public for decades that they're Satanists, and their job is getting the stupid fans to imitate and emulate their beliefs and behavior.
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Lina Morgana |
Morgana took the plunge on Oct 4 (some articles say 6) which is between Autumnal Equinox and Samhain, in the month of Beltane.
Stefani embarked on her first tour as Lady Gaga October 9, 2008.
In the opening of the Paparazzi video, she is picked up by a man and thrown off a balcony, falls with a spiral spinning background 'derivative' of Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo, and goes 'splat' on the concrete below.
This video also features many shots of dead models, and the finale is when she gives the man poison champagne, calls 911 and says, "I killed my boyfriend" , smiling.

"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre."
Not yet. Gaga is still planning her necrophiliac tour next year with the real corpses on stage...
after that, predictions are a 'gray area'. And that would be the big 2012 year they've been jerking everybody off about. I've heard it said somewhere that Obama is 'the last President'. Gaga may be the last American Idol.
They're pulling the plug on everything, striking the circus tents, and wrapping up the world as we knew it.
Part Three:
Bottom line is the Whore of Babylon role in our society serves to shapeshift behavior and life goals of children from toddler through teens. Having achieved their goal of scrambling social norms to the point where girls are turning to women at an early age, the Babylon is shapeshifting from the Temple prostitute of Ishtar archtype (Madonna) into Lilith (Gaga).
Death is all around Gaga and it's going to get much worse. Just wait till 2011's tour with the Faces of Death.. uh......I mean Body Worlds live show of real corpses (the bodies are Chinese political prisoners and slave laborers obtained from the Chinese government).
The lyrics of the song Lina performs in the video is contested. Gaga's lawyers and the Illuminati media say she wrote Lina's songs and let her sing them to make demo videos,. Lina's mother claims Lina wrote them and Gaga stripped LIna's lyrics and stage persona like flock of vultures.
As for the authorship of the lyrics of that song, Lina's mother claims Gaga and her then-music trainer/handler.
Katy Perry, another pop star, provoked Gaga's fans by saying,"Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke."
All this is fun but here's the simple deal. Babylon is raising the bar on moral decline and reverse ethics. She will do high profile horrors that would get anybody else in prison, but she'll magically be rewarded by media and courts. People like Perry will issue sound bytes of protest at her breaking taboos, and instead of coming to their senses her fans will rabidly defend and rationalize her behavior and actions.
A Polish psychology researcher who survived the Soviet occupation of Poland under the Nazis and Russians termed the process 'ponerization'. Psychopaths are put on top which becomes the role model for the rest of the society from the top down.
Friday, September 10, 2010
1,270 Architects/Engineers Reveal Hard Evidence of Explosive Demolition at World Trade Center on 9/11
Former US Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK) and Richard Gage, AIA, Founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Discuss Scientific Findings
National Press Club, Washington DC, 2:00 pm, Thursday, September 9, 2010
National Press Club, Washington DC, 2:00 pm, Thursday, September 9, 2010
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Thursday September 9, 2010, Gravel and Gage will host a central press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, presenting hard evidence that all three WTC skyscrapers on September 11, 2001, in NYC were destroyed by explosive controlled demolition.
Senator Gravel notes, "Critically important evidence has come forward after the original government building reports were completed."
Senator Gravel notes, "Critically important evidence has come forward after the original government building reports were completed."
This press conference will be webcast at and hosted concurrently in cities throughout the world.* Following the conference, there will be a mock debate during which public statements made by government investigators and other defenders of the official account will be presented and responded to in multimedia format. "They refuse to debate us in person," says Gage, "so we will let their public statements represent them."
Gage will release a media-friendly summary of his organization's findings, which are based on forensic evidence as well as video and eyewitness testimony that were omitted from official reports. He will show evidence that the WTC Twin Towers were not destroyed by jet plane impacts or fires, but by pre-set explosives and incendiaries. The non-profit organization, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, will also call for a grand jury investigation of government report lead engineers Shyam Sunder and John Gross of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. "They were in a position to know the evidence we have been presenting," says Gage.
Also speaking will be Florida State Professor Lance deHaven-Smith, who coined the academic term State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD). Prof. deHaven-Smith has appeared on Good Morning America, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, CBS Nightly News with Dan Rather, and other national TV/radio shows.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Huge Asteroid will hit Antarctica in 2012
University of British Columbia Professor published an on-line article that projected an 800m asteroid would hit Antarctica in the fall of 2012.
His article was on the website for 2 days before it abruptly disappeared. The initial data was gathered by The Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Sub millimeter Telescope (BLAST) at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. The theorized asteroid was then tracked by Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on Mauna Kea, which (with the Adaptive Optics Bonnette) supplies probably the sharpest images currently obtainable from the ground.
One week after this mysterious article disappeared, “Canadian and American astronauts say the world needs to prepare for the big one — the asteroid impact that could one day devastate the Earth.Veteran Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is president of the Association of Space Explorers, which has prepared a detailed report on the asteroid threat. The Canadian Space Agency intends to launch NEOSSat next March to look for asteroids that may be hiding near the sun. The $15-million suitcase-sized satellite will circle about 700 kilometers above the Earth. A Canadian Space Agency official says NEOSSat is expected to detect hundreds of new asteroids during its first year of operation. It will also monitor the heavy traffic of satellites now orbiting the Earth to try to prevent possible collisions.”
The article hypothesized a 94% probability that the asteroid would impact on the Filchner-Ronne ice shelf and cause 2/3 of ice on Antarctica to crumble into sea. The article surmised the total collapse of all Antarctic ice within 2-4 months after impact. “A deep enough impact would crack the ice shelf like a window and total structural collapse would be inevitable, a few months at the outside.” If the ice on Antarctica was added the the world’s ocean it would raise them by 70 meters.
In January 12 and January 13, 2010, an area of sea ice larger than the state of Rhode Island broke away from the Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelf and shattered into many smaller pieces. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua and Terra satellites captured this event in this series of photo-like images. The ice of the Filchner-Ronne ice shelf can be as thick as 600 m; the water below is about 1400 m deep at the deepest point. The international Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme (FRISP) was initiated in 1973 to study the glaciological regime of the ice shelf.
His article was on the website for 2 days before it abruptly disappeared. The initial data was gathered by The Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Sub millimeter Telescope (BLAST) at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. The theorized asteroid was then tracked by Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on Mauna Kea, which (with the Adaptive Optics Bonnette) supplies probably the sharpest images currently obtainable from the ground.
One week after this mysterious article disappeared, “Canadian and American astronauts say the world needs to prepare for the big one — the asteroid impact that could one day devastate the Earth.Veteran Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is president of the Association of Space Explorers, which has prepared a detailed report on the asteroid threat. The Canadian Space Agency intends to launch NEOSSat next March to look for asteroids that may be hiding near the sun. The $15-million suitcase-sized satellite will circle about 700 kilometers above the Earth. A Canadian Space Agency official says NEOSSat is expected to detect hundreds of new asteroids during its first year of operation. It will also monitor the heavy traffic of satellites now orbiting the Earth to try to prevent possible collisions.”
The article hypothesized a 94% probability that the asteroid would impact on the Filchner-Ronne ice shelf and cause 2/3 of ice on Antarctica to crumble into sea. The article surmised the total collapse of all Antarctic ice within 2-4 months after impact. “A deep enough impact would crack the ice shelf like a window and total structural collapse would be inevitable, a few months at the outside.” If the ice on Antarctica was added the the world’s ocean it would raise them by 70 meters.
In January 12 and January 13, 2010, an area of sea ice larger than the state of Rhode Island broke away from the Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelf and shattered into many smaller pieces. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua and Terra satellites captured this event in this series of photo-like images. The ice of the Filchner-Ronne ice shelf can be as thick as 600 m; the water below is about 1400 m deep at the deepest point. The international Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme (FRISP) was initiated in 1973 to study the glaciological regime of the ice shelf.
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