Monday, September 13, 2010

The New Terrorist Threat To America: Drunk British Teenagers Brandishing Insults

College student banned from US for life for name calling email to White House

America faces a new threat possibly so severe that it has prompted President Obama and the FBI to take affirmative preventative action.

No, it does not come in the form of radical religious extremist terrorists or international criminal enterprises, but rather it consists of drunken seventeen year old boys sending naughty emails to the White House.

As reported by Sky News, British teenager Luke Angel has been banned from the US for life after he sent an email insulting the President by calling him a nasty name.

The young man had reportedly just finished watching a programme on TV about the 9/11 attacks and, after a couple of beers, felt the need to vent spleen by telling Obama that he thought the commander in chief was a “p***k”.

Take 30 seconds to work out what that insult actually is.

That’s correct it’s a euphemism for male genitalia – and a mild one at that.

Nevertheless, the email was intercepted by the FBI no less, who proceeded to contact the London Metropolitan Police in the UK, who then sent officers to visit young Mr Angel’s home in Bedford.

The police took a photograph of Angel, no doubt to be stored on a vital database of dangerous terrorists, but did not take any criminal action.

When asked about the ban, Luke said: “I don’t really care. My parents aren’t very happy about it.”

“I don’t remember exactly what I wrote as I was drunk. But I think I called Barack Obama a p***k. It was silly — the sort of thing you do when you’re a teenager and have had a few.” college student Angel added.

Here we have another example of a situation being hyped beyond all rational sense in an effort to convey the idea that if you dislike or speak out against authority you will be treated as a criminal.

Obama reportedly receives scores of death threats everyday, why in God’s name would the FBI be taking the time to follow up a mildly abusive email from a drunken teenager in England?

Wide open borders? violent international drug cartels? Known terrorists without passports being helped onto planes by the U.S. State Department? Clearly these issues pale in comparison to that of the insult brandishing email wielding teens sitting in their English suburban bedrooms.



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