Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What in the World Are They Spraying? Part II

Part 1 here

What would you do if you were told that toxic substances being sprayed into the sky are falling to the ground and decimating eco-systems around the world?   This very claim, made by concerned citizens outside the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting last month in San Diego, sparked my interest to investigate further.
The AAAS meeting hosted several top geo-engineering scientists who gathered to discuss the “plausibility” of implementing various geo-engineering programs throughout the world.  One of the options addressed was the stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering (SAG) , AKA  chemtrail program,  where scientists discussed the “plausibility” of spraying aerosol aluminum, barium and other particles into the sky to block the sun as a means to “reduce” the Earth’s temperature.   When asked specifically about the potential risks associated with using aluminum in the program as an aerosol, scientists replied by stating that they have not studied much about the risks associated with aluminum and added that something terrible could be found tomorrow that they haven’t looked at.   When probed further about the deployment of existing aerosol programs, the scientists stated that no aerosol spraying programs have been deployed to date.
The concerned citizens I met outside the meeting were claiming quite the opposite.  They came in protest after witnessing airplanes that they believe are regularly spraying aerosols into the upper-part of the sky.  Many from this group have tested and found extremely high levels of aluminum, barium and other substances in their soil, rain, water and snow.  Ironically, the substances that they reported finding are the same substances the scientists are “considering” implementing in the various aerosol spraying programs discussed at the meeting.  They also believe that these substances are leading to the destruction of eco-systems and are coming from already deployed SAG programs.   Due to the severity of this issue and my desire to know the truth, I was led to Shasta County in the Northern part of California to investigate not only the claims of what is being reported in the sky, but also claims of what is in the rain, water, snow and soil from what many residents are saying is the result of SAG programs.
The first stop on this trip led me to Dane Wigington’s beautiful 2000 acre property overlooking Lake Shasta.  As we toured his breath-taking land, he pointed to multiple trails that blanketed the sky.  He claimed the trails are present on most days above Northern California.   Wigington referred to this as a “moderate spraying day”.  Like many other residents in Shasta County, Wigington moved to the area to get away from the heavy pollution of Southern California that he grew up with as a child.  His dreams of living off the land and becoming one with nature are now coming to a grinding halt as he is focusing his time and energy on the issue of geo-engineering.


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