Saturday, April 3, 2010

Proof that a passenger airline did not hit the Pentagon on 9/11

One of the so called "terrorist" attacks that took place on September 11 was the Boeing 757-200 flight 77 flying into the Pentagon, how people can still believe that incident really happened is beyond me! The whole events of 9/11 were staged events by the US government; the US government are the "terrorists"!

The below pictures prove that a passenger aircraft did not hit the Pentagon.

A picture by Daryl Donley who was on the scene at the time of the explosion. This shows the centre of the explosion site minutes after it happened. (The round parts in the centre of the picture are rolls of cable, see close-up on picture 5)

A wide-angle view of the explosion site; notice the entire Pentagon wall is standing and intact. The media told us this was the site of a crash by the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200, weighing around 200,000 pounds and 125 feet across at wingspan. A photograph from the (now unaccepted) NIST report shows the same spot as the centre of damage.

20 minutes AFTER the explosion the wall collapsed. The previous hole was about 12-15 feet high. Notice in the previous picture the hole in the Pentagon was entirely hidden behind a 15 foot high spray of water.

After the explosion the hole was about 12 feet, after the wall collapsed the damaged area was about 70 feet across. A Boeing 757 has a 124'10" wingspan. Can a 125 foot wide aircraft fit into a hole 12 feet high?

This picture is a close-up, also by Daryl Donley. Note the pieces of the Pentagon blown outward; indicating the explosion came from within the Pentagon building itself. 

Whatever made the damage to the Pentagon made a hole of damage about 12 feet high, and caused circular holes smaller than the fuselage of an airplane.

A single piece of un-burnt airplane material lying on the grass. This was obviously placed to "help the case" of the original story.

Case closed!


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