Monday, April 5, 2010

The very strange Denver International Airport - Part II

The monster has awakened! This big and aggressive militaristic figure is dressed in a Nazi uniform (notice the symbol on the hat) with a face shaped like a gas mask. His hands are holding a rifle and a scimitar that is rather violently molesting the peace bearing dove. On the left is depicted an endless lineup of crying parents holding their limp, dead baby. This is a truly atrocious painting, with no redeeming message or moral. The fact that this was displayed at the main gate of the largest airport of America, during the age of political correctness (the nineties) is totally aberrant. The militaristic figure is glorified and all-powerful, situated at the center of the action. It has regained its powers that it seemed to have lost after WWII. It is back in full force and its leading the way to a new holocaust.

Look closely at the people on the left and the dead children sleeping on bricks. There is no traces of violence on them. They’re simply devoid of life, as if they were poisoned by the deadly gas emanating from the rainbow above them. The monster, protected by his gas mask, is pointing the lineup of victims towards the letter on the bottom left.

It is an actual letter written by a Hama Herchenberg, 14 years old, that died December 18, 1943 in Auschwitz Concentration camp (as written at the bottom of the letter). A little disturbing isn’t it. Auschwitz was infamous for it use of toxic gas. 
The camp commandant, Rudolf Höß, testified at the Nuremberg Trials that up to 3 million people had died at Auschwitz, about 90 percent of whom were Jews. Most victims were killed in Auschwitz II’s gas chambers using Zyklon B

(source: Wikipedia).

The presence of a colourful rainbow and a teddybear in this image, symbols our minds instantly associate with youth and innocence, is totally sickening and twisted. One last thing about the scimitar: it is a symbol often used in masonic imagery:

C) Peace and Harmony with Nature

What do you do when you’ve killed most of the world population with toxic gas? You celebrate around a genetically-modified-glowing plant of course! Happy people from all over the world irresistibly heading towards that plant, some are almost flying towards it. Right above this plant (that doesn’t exist in real life) is a Jesus-like figure but is definetly not Jesus.

All of the instinct species of the 1st mural are all back in action and you even see a little dove appearing in the plant. How nice. They feel so much better now that there’s much less people on earth now. The animals are happy too and they thank you for dying. People can now use high levels of scientific knowledge to live in a state of synthesised happiness provided by genetically modified plants. Good for them. The whales are jumping in the air, high-fiving humans. If you look closely at the baby tigers, they have faces of human children. Its it quite bizarre. This whole piece reaks of genetic modification and magic.

To sum up, those murals clearly depicted admitted goals you can read in documents calling for a New World Order:

- Massive depopulation of the earth

- Death of Judeo-Christian beliefs

- One World government

- Restoration of nature

If you’ve read my piece about the Georgia Guidestones, you might notice that the themes are strikingly similar. Coincidence? The Georgia Guidestones also feature a capstone with a time capsule buried under it. There is no “conspiracy theory” here, those are facts. Everything is written in stone for you to see. The elites own this place and they build monuments to celebrate their culture. Their “divine knowledge” is however inaccessible to you unless you’re a high ranking member. There is so much to interpret in those murals that I’m convinced I’ve missed alot of details (colours, shapes, movement, symbols).

3- The Swastika Runway

After seeing all of the allusions to Nazi Germany, would you be surprised if the runways were shaped like a swastika? Here’s an aerial view of the runways and below is how the runways appear in Google Map. Draw your own conclusions

I highly doubt that the guy who drew the runways did not notice their odd shape. I mean, someone in the process of drawing and/or building had to say “Wait a minute, this kind of looks like that Nazi symbol! We should maybe change it! We don’t want our new 4,1G$ airport to be offensive or anything”. But that did not happen for some reason.

4- Other weirdness

Like I’ve said before, a book could be written on the DIA, so I’ll leave you with unsorted oddities you can see at the DIA.


The symbolism of gargoyles has always been a mystery. Nobody can really explain the reason of their presence, specifically on religious buildings. Are they remnants of past pagan beliefs that never went away? Do they represent something only “illuminated” people know about?

“What are these fantastic monsters doing in the cloisters under the very eyes of the brothers as they read? What is the meaning of these unclean monkeys, strange savage lions and monsters? To what purpose are here placed these creatures, half beast, half man?

-St Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th century

The Floor

These photos are of a strange set of symbols that run in the floor from the south end of The Great Hall on Level 5 and progress to the north end of The Great Hall. Note the black disk which is occulting the sun. There is no mistaking the architecture in the floor as depicting the sun, and the black disk is beginning to eclipse it. When we arrive at the north end of The Great Hall, there is a statue of Jeppesen which is covering the sun. Is it a reference to the black sun, as worshiped by the Nazis?


Is it supposed to be “native” art representing mother earth? Looks like an alien “sprinkling” life on earth. Whats with the little faces at the top of the painting? Are they alien watching us from space? I don’t know, I can’t find any information about this piece. It makes me think of crop circles for some reason.

Full credit goes to for this article 


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