Monday, April 5, 2010

Strange objects at the European Center for Research in Particle Physics (CERN)

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the LARGE HADRON COLLIDER at the European Centre for Research in Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva. This strange machine uses two beams of subatomic particles called 'hadrons' – either protons or lead ions – will travel in opposite directions inside the circular accelerator, gaining energy with every lap. Physicists will use the LHC to recreate the conditions just after the Big Bang, by colliding the two beams head-on at very high energy.

There have been suggestions that this machine is actually a stargate that will open up portals to different dimensions, and recently there has been talk that this machine has had something to do with the recent earthquakes we have been seeing across the globe.

After doing a little bit of digging on the internet I stumbled across these pictures below – strange and out of place for sure!

Here you can see the statue of SHIVA right in front of the CERN building – I found this description on the net about SHIVA –

“The Nataraja symbolizes Shiva's role as Lord of the Dance. This is cosmic dance of sublime and graceful energy which sustains existence. Shiva is shown standing atop a vanquished demon who symbolizes ignorance. In his upper right hand, Shiva holds a drum which symbolizes of the sound of creation. His upper left hand holds a flame, which is the destruction of the universe. Thus, the Nataraja reveals that existence as a rhythmic manifestation of cosmic cycles : time as a cyclic, endless procession of creation, preservation and the termination of existence. When existence becomes too damaging and unbalanced to the beings within it, Shiva's Dance is the saving liberation for those suffering, trapped beings - and here again, the role of religious adoration and devotion provides a hope of compensation for living in a world of suffering.Within the Law of Attraction, Shiva represents the Divine Plan, an active, cosmic force that rewards those who focus their devotion, hopes, desires and dreams, upon him. According to the Shaivites, without the foundation of cosmic consciousness, which stands as Shiva to reflect knowledge and morality back to the mind of the human being, one's chance for escaping this world of sorrows would be non-existent.” 

As mentioned above there has been talk that the LHC is actually a stargate now look at the below pictures also from inside the LHC facility – 

These large white panels have ancient writings assembled onto a structure with some kind of blue beam light surrounding them, one of the panels seems to be ancient Mandarin, but one particular panel has very strange characters that don't look like anything I have seen before another panel has Sanskrit characters on it, in India the only people that read and write Sanskrit are scholars of Vedas and Upanishads, scriptures written in the "language of the gods". 

What is the significance of the panels and what are they for?

I'm sure we are not being told the whole truth about this LHC machine!

another interesting article here


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